Principle of mixed housing within in the frames of new urbanism for the revival of distressed neighborhood
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEZróżnicowana zabudowa mieszkaniowa jako zasada nowego urbanizmu w procesie odnowy zdegradowanych osiedli
Publication date: 30.10.2020
Housing Environment, 2020, 31/2020, pp. 55 - 81
Principle of mixed housing within in the frames of new urbanism for the revival of distressed neighborhood
Improvement of housing conditions is one of the basic elements of the process of revitalising urban structures. This study was conducted through the lens of mixed housing as a New Urbanism principle. Employment of this perspective is a result of contemporary adaptation of this American urban movement for revitalisation of urban tissue as a part of an infill development strategy.
This work examines the practice of mixed housing in contemporary redevelopment projects in Europe, based on two case studies: Minguettes Vénissieux in the Lyon agglomeration (France) and Retkinia in Lodz (Poland).The redevelopment policies were compared with the American HOPE VI programme, which, similarly to the examples under study, was focused on the revitalisation of high-rise housing estates. The study’s findings enabled the definition of the influence of mixed housing principles of NU on urban regeneration processes and to gain some insight into the practice of mixed housing today, as well as into existing regulatory frameworks, based on the examined cases from France and Poland (1). A need for synergy between various NU principles was revealed as indispensable to produce or rather rebuild vital urban forms (2). As aimed, European tendencies in the mixed housing policy were related to US practice derived from the NU, especially examining the need for a diversity of tenure rights and regulatory guidelines based on NU application for revitalisation (3). The entirety of the research confirmed that mixed housing, as a multi-dimensional principle of NU, can serve as a means of revitalising residential areas, particularly decayed panel-block neighbourhoods.
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Information: Housing Environment, 2020, 31/2020, pp. 55 - 81
Article type: Original article
Principle of mixed housing within in the frames of new urbanism for the revival of distressed neighborhood
Zróżnicowana zabudowa mieszkaniowa jako zasada nowego urbanizmu w procesie odnowy zdegradowanych osiedli
Faculty of Civil Engineering Architecture and Environmental Engineering, Lodz University of Technology
Published at: 30.10.2020
Article status: Open
Licence: CC BY
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