Mieszkać w wielkiej płycie

Publication date: 10.01.2020

Housing Environment, 2019, 28/2019, pp. 4 - 12



Sylwia Mochocka
Department of Architecture and Urban Planning ,Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Kielce University of Technology
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7695-6127 Orcid
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Living in a prefab


Housing estates are an important urban element in many Polish cities. These types of complexes, buildings and spaces do not meet the modern human needs arising from the function of an apartment. The question arises ever so often: should we demolish them and create new ones in their place, or should we renovate them? According to the author of the article, the most appropriate course of action is their renovation. Large-panel housing estates have great opportunities to become a place adapted to the needs of their residents through a series of transformations. In contrast, social and public spaces created through renovation can affect the vitality of the entire city. The author of the article, on the basis of selected large-panel estates in the city of Kielce, will assess the large-panel housing estates as a modern place of residence. She will outline their main strengths and indicate the defects that she thinks should be taken into account during any renovation measures.


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[3] Gronostajska B. E. Kreacja i modernizacja przestrzeni mieszkalnej: teoria i praktyka na przykładzie wybranych realizacji wrocławskich z lat 1970-1990, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej, Wrocław 2007

[4] Komar B., Współczesna jakość spółdzielczej przestrzeni osiedlowej w świetle zasad rozwoju zrównoważonego na wybranych przykładach, wydawnictwo Politechniki Śląskiej, Gliwice 2014

[5] Szczerek E., Rewitalizacja wielkopłytowych osiedli mieszkaniowych szansa na podniesienie jakości przestrzeni miasta. Dobry przykład osiedla Hellersdorf w Berlinie, Czasopismo Techniczne Architektura, Wydawnictwo PK, Kraków 2012

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https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rezerwat_Skalny_im._Jana_Czarnockiego (access: 19.08.2019)

http://www.gis.kielce.eu/ (access:19.08.2019)


Information: Housing Environment, 2019, 28/2019, pp. 4 - 12

Article type: Original article



Living in a prefab


Mieszkać w wielkiej płycie



Sylwia Mochocka
Department of Architecture and Urban Planning ,Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Kielce University of Technology
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7695-6127 Orcid
All publications →

Department of Architecture and Urban Planning ,Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Kielce University of Technology

Published at: 10.01.2020

Article status: Open

Licence: None

Percentage share of authors:

Sylwia Mochocka (Author) - 100%

Article corrections:


Publication languages:

Polish, English

View count: 1129

Number of downloads: 1141

<p> Living in a prefab</p>