“Kujawy” recreation and education center as an example of innovative postmining area reclamation
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RIS BIB ENDNOTECentrum rekreacyjno-edukacyjne „Kujawy” jako przykład innowacyjnego zagospodarowania terenów pogórniczych
Publication date: 29.11.2016
Housing Environment, 2016, 17/2016, pp. 94 - 106
“Kujawy” recreation and education center as an example of innovative postmining area reclamation
This article is dedicated to the reclaim process of the biggest rock resources mine in Poland: „Kujawy” Limestone Mine. The reclaim project has recreation and education function, with the special focus on the needs of pupils at school and pre-school age. The project includes the environmental, socio-cultural and economic analysis of the region.
One of the main targets of the project is the harmonious integration of architectural solutions with the characteristic mine landscape of the area. What is more, this project fully exploits the environmental factors of this particular place and uses them to realize its recreation and education function. The integration of the already existing technical infrastructure of the excavation areas with the Center activities program will assure the acceleration of the local economy. Another important aspect is a thorough analysis of didactic needs of the addressees of this project, taking into consideration their age and interests, resulting in a rich offer of the Centre’s activities range. The recreation function of the Center is realised through a thorough choice of architecture objects, and shaping their design in accordance with the psychological and biological needs of children and teenagers. Combining the recreation and educational function of the investment is expected to raise a substantial interest from among not only the local schools and education units, but also among the local community. The project has a great innovative potential, which can distinguish it on a national level, considering particularly a unique character of the proposed design solutions.
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Information: Housing Environment, 2016, 17/2016, pp. 94 - 106
Article type: Original article
“Kujawy” recreation and education center as an example of innovative postmining area reclamation
Centrum rekreacyjno-edukacyjne „Kujawy” jako przykład innowacyjnego zagospodarowania terenów pogórniczych
fArchitecture of Work Places and Recreation A-21, Team of Modern Regionalism Architecture, Institute of Architectural Design, Faculty of Architecture of the Cracow University of Technology
Published at: 29.11.2016
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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Polish, EnglishView count: 1555
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