Integrated sustainable design
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEZintegrowane projektowanie zrównoważone
Publication date: 06.11.2017
Housing Environment, 2017, 19/2017, pp. 180 - 191
Integrated sustainable design
The 21st century brought about a greater evolution in the field of designing than the one when the drawing board was replaced with the CAD software. We are dealing now with extremely dynamic development of technology and with the need to comply with requirements relating to sustainable design. Sustainable design requires strict coordination at all stages and within the scope of all specialties it concerns. Therefore, supporting tools have emerged – software in the BIM standard (Building Information Modelling). It enables to introduce a number of essential parameters and to perform preliminary analyses relating to sustainable design already at very early stages of the process of developing the concept of a building. The results of such analyses allow to correct the design assumptions adopted and to optimise them. Teaching sustainable design with the support of these technologies is extremely helpful for architects and engineers today, and it can become indispensable in the future. Hence education in this scope and integration of the urban / architectural design with the construction design seems to be necessary starting from the first years of study at faculties of architecture.
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Information: Housing Environment, 2017, 19/2017, pp. 180 - 191
Article type: Original article
Integrated sustainable design
Zintegrowane projektowanie zrównoważone
Wydział Architektury, Politechnika Krakowska
Published at: 06.11.2017
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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-Publication languages:
Polish, English