Influence of the Technological Solutions Used in Residential Area Lighting Systems on Sociology and the Light Pollution of the Natural Environment
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEWpływ rozwiązań technologicznych systemów oświetlenia obszarów mieszkaniowych na socjologię oraz zanieczyszczenie światłem środowiska naturalnego
Publication date: 29.11.2016
Housing Environment, 2016, 17/2016, pp. 125 - 130
Influence of the Technological Solutions Used in Residential Area Lighting Systems on Sociology and the Light Pollution of the Natural Environment
The ability to make proper use of modern technical advancements in the field of lighting seems relatively simple. However, a large degree of discomfort is often experienced in urban built-up areas which is caused by the improper tailoring of lighting to local specifics and needs. Marked jumps in lighting intensity, caused by the improper selection of lighting, that underline the local aspects of shaping public spaces, at times leading to a blurring of the borders of perception between night and day on the one hand, and zones that are less illuminated become an optical “black hole” on the other. The paper is focused on the proper planning and design of the illumination of buildings, multi-family residential zones, streets and other elements of space taking into account their social aspect, in a manner which allows light pollution to be prevented regardless of the residents’ quality of life.
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Information: Housing Environment, 2016, 17/2016, pp. 125 - 130
Article type: Original article
Influence of the Technological Solutions Used in Residential Area Lighting Systems on Sociology and the Light Pollution of the Natural Environment
Wpływ rozwiązań technologicznych systemów oświetlenia obszarów mieszkaniowych na socjologię oraz zanieczyszczenie światłem środowiska naturalnego
Instytut Projektowania Budowlanego, Wydział Architektury, Politechnika Krakowska.
Published at: 29.11.2016
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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Polish, EnglishView count: 1313
Number of downloads: 833