Importance of spontaneous attractiveness for personalization of architectural environment of Lviv region small towns (Ukraine)

Publication date: 29.11.2016

Housing Environment, 2016, 17/2016, pp. 52 - 56


Oleksandra Dyda
Department of Architecture, National University Lviv Polytechnic,Lviv, Ukraine
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Importance of spontaneous attractiveness for personalization of architectural environment of Lviv region small towns (Ukraine)


In modern conditions, the search forowneconomic resources appears to be urgent for small towns, and tourism is one of them.To boost tourismit is necessary for the urban environmentto beattractive, able to drawattention to itsappearanceorcontent, showing itsdistinctive andunique  rchitecturalfeatures. Spontaneousarchitectural attractiveness may servea crucial rolewhen addressing this issue. It emergesnaturallyas a resultof local individual creativity, and is especiallytopical forsmall towns withpredominantlysingle-family houses. Creative approach toidentification ofspontaneous architecturalattractantsand theiradequateuse in the attractive imageformationofurban environmentcanbe determiningwhen creatingan architectural”face of the city”. Involvement of spontaneously attractive constructions in formation of the attractiveness of urban environmentis of special significance forsmall towns in Ukraine, in particular Lviv region.


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Information: Housing Environment, 2016, 17/2016, pp. 52 - 56

Article type: Original article



Importance of spontaneous attractiveness for personalization of architectural environment of Lviv region small towns (Ukraine)


Importance of spontaneous attractiveness for personalization of architectural environment of Lviv region small towns (Ukraine)


Department of Architecture, National University Lviv Polytechnic,Lviv, Ukraine

Published at: 29.11.2016

Article status: Open

Licence: None

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Oleksandra Dyda (Author) - 100%

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