BIM in Spatial Planning - Overview of the Possibilities of Using BIM Urban Mock-ups in the Process of Optimising the Management of Space on the Urban Scale
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEBIM w planowaniu przestrzennym – omówienie możliwości wykorzystania makiet BIM w procesie optymalizacji zarządzania przestrzenią w skali urbanistycznej
Publication date: 05.02.2018
Housing Environment, 2017, 21/2017, pp. 8 - 16
BIM in Spatial Planning - Overview of the Possibilities of Using BIM Urban Mock-ups in the Process of Optimising the Management of Space on the Urban Scale
The article points to the possibilities and perspectives of using BIM technology in the organisation of spatial and numerical data used in the management of space on the urban scale. The current use of BIM technology in urban planning has a selective character and is oriented towards providing data useful to the needs associated with carrying out specific construction projects. The postulated model, called the BIM Urban Mock-up can function as a database managed by the public administration, constituting a form of access to public information to citizens on the one hand, while on the other as analytical material supporting decision-making processes. The article’s goal is to justify the assumption that systematised spatial data in the form of a BIM Urban Mock-up can exponentially increase the effectiveness of the management of space on the urban scale.
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Information: Housing Environment, 2017, 21/2017, pp. 8 - 16
Article type: Original article
BIM in Spatial Planning - Overview of the Possibilities of Using BIM Urban Mock-ups in the Process of Optimising the Management of Space on the Urban Scale
BIM w planowaniu przestrzennym – omówienie możliwości wykorzystania makiet BIM w procesie optymalizacji zarządzania przestrzenią w skali urbanistycznej
Wydział Architektury, Politechnika Krakowska
Published at: 05.02.2018
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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Polish, EnglishView count: 1282
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