Współczesne wykorzystanie rysunku planu i mapy w kreacji posadzki przestrzeni publicznej służącej rekreacji – wybrane przykłady

Publication date: 22.11.2016

Housing Environment, 2016, 16/2016, pp. 74 - 82


Małgorzata Burkot
Institute of History of Architecture and Monument Preservation, Faculty of Architecture, Cracow University of Technology, Cracow, Poland
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Application of the map outlines in design of contemporary recreational public spaces – A selection of examples


This article presents contemporary design actions that apply outlines of a map or plan in the creation of a floor of recreational public spaces. The outlines may present a map of the world, region, city or its part. The design may depict the current or historical state of the pictured space, in a two or three dimensional manner.
Such action places the potential passer-by in the urban or regional context and serves both as information and orientation.
The actions can have a permanent or temporary character.
A selection of examples indicates that application of a map design in a public space is a beneficial phenomenon that enriches the public space. The action encourages the user to interact with the space, find themselves in it and become acquainted with its heritage. It stops and keeps the passer-by in the public space and is a starting point for recreation.


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Information: Housing Environment, 2016, 16/2016, pp. 74 - 82

Article type: Original article



Application of the map outlines in design of contemporary recreational public spaces – A selection of examples


Współczesne wykorzystanie rysunku planu i mapy w kreacji posadzki przestrzeni publicznej służącej rekreacji – wybrane przykłady


Institute of History of Architecture and Monument Preservation, Faculty of Architecture, Cracow University of Technology, Cracow, Poland

Published at: 22.11.2016

Article status: Open

Licence: None

Percentage share of authors:

Małgorzata Burkot (Author) - 100%

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Publication languages:

Polish, English

View count: 1469

Number of downloads: 756