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Publication date: 2023

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Editorial team

Volume Editor Maria Mendel

Editor-in-Chief Maria Mendel

Editorial Secretaries Marcin Boryczko, Agnieszka Pawłowska-Kubik

Issue content

Maria Mendel

Yearbook of Gdańsk, LXXXIII (83), 2023, pp. 15 - 20

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Gabriela Matuszek-Stec

Yearbook of Gdańsk, LXXXIII (83), 2023, pp. 23 - 38

The article is an essential approach to the life and work of Stanisław Przybyszewski, prepared on the basis of the previous works of the author, an expert on the writer’s work and his German reception, editor of the scientific critical edition of S. Przybyszewski’s Literary Works, which has been published by the Jagiellonian University Publishing House since 2022. The text presents the most important issues related to Przybyszewski’s writing, presented in chronological order, from his German and Polish periods of work. Presented here are, among others: lesser-known facts from Przybyszewski’s biography (especially his social and patriotic activity), the reception of his work by German critics and researchers, the writer’s most important achievements, his theories on art and precursor concepts towards later artistic phenomena, as well as the writer’s importance, are presented in a synthetic way for both literatures (Polish and German). The text serves as an introduction to the Gdańsk conference on “Przybyszewski et al.” It also contains information related to the writer’s social activities in Gdańsk.
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Tadeusz Linkner

Yearbook of Gdańsk, LXXXIII (83), 2023, pp. 39 - 48

We are tal king about unknown article by Przybyszewski. The writer draws attention to his most important achievements in the Free City of Gdańsk: the Polish junior high school, the Polish Hause and polish help for students at the University of Technology. He also praises the patriotism of Polish railway workers and Kashubians.
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Agnieszka Bzymek

Yearbook of Gdańsk, LXXXIII (83), 2023, pp. 49 - 61

The text is an attempt at an autoethnographic sketch in which I “portrait” Stanisław Przybyszewski, relating the Gdańsk elements of his and my own biography to selected contents of the concept of resilience. The article is an essay developed as a free, original approach, not claiming to be scientific truth. The article was inspired by the content of the conference entitled “Przybyszewski et al. The beginnings of the social scientific movement of humanists in Gdańsk 1923–2023”, which took place in 2023, organized under the leadership of Professor Maria Mendel, chairwoman of the Faculty I of Social Sciences and Humanities of the Gdańsk Scientific Society.
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Danuta Drywa

Yearbook of Gdańsk, LXXXIII (83), 2023, pp. 62 - 81

Before 1939 Gdansk was inhabited by a relatively small but vibrant Polish community. Organized in numerous cultural, educational and social associations, it formed a cohesive group of often related individuals. They came from various cities of both Gdansk Pomerania and the hinterland of Poland, directed to Gdansk with the task of supporting the Polish movement, while some came from the inhabitants of Kashubia, who had been fighting for the Polishness of Gdansk Pomerania for centuries. Such were Dr. Franciszek Kręcki, Dr. Bernard Filarski and Dr. Władysław Pniewski. Each of these three came from different localities, but they tied their fate to Gdansk. They were united by their common social and patriotic work, which was a continuity of the activities of each of them from the times of the Prussian partition, as well as by their friendship and the ideas propounded by the Young Kashubian movement. In the lives of each of them, work for Polish youth played a huge role. They fought for the establishment of schools with the Polish language, and took care of youth organizations. Arrested for their activities at the beginning of the war in the fall of 1939, they were executed on 1940 in a forest near the Stutthof camp.
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Krzysztof Lewalski

Yearbook of Gdańsk, LXXXIII (83), 2023, pp. 82 - 91

In the article, the author reflects on the 160th anniversary of the January Uprising. They focus on several important issues that are raised in response to the following questions: was there a chance to win? Was the international situation at the time of the uprising favorable? Were those at the forefront of the uprising able to be united in this particular attempt and put party disputes aside? Did the uprising have to happen or could it have been avoided? And finally, did the uprising achieve anything?
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Tomasz Snarski

Yearbook of Gdańsk, LXXXIII (83), 2023, pp. 92 - 110

The article is a philosophical legal oriented study of selected views relating to the concepts of justice and mercy, as well as the relations between them. The author analyzes the views presented during the third edition of the Gdańsk Areopag, devoted to the concept of justice, held in Gdańsk in November 2002. In the study, it was deliberately decided to familiarize oneself with selected positions due to the forum for their presentation (Gdańsk Areopag), using them as interdisciplinary research material enabling the penetration of universal and specialized meanings into legal sciences (including the philosophy and dogmatics of criminal law) through philosophical reflection. The research conducted for the purposes of the study also made it possible to formulate several conclusions that are important for contemporary philosophical and legal discussions covering the issues of the concept of justice in the context of the concept of mercy.
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Ewelina Damps

Yearbook of Gdańsk, LXXXIII (83), 2023, pp. 111 - 130

This article is an attempt to reconstruct the history of the grand pianos and upright pianos on the board of MS “Batory” with the aim of indicating which specific instruments and of which brands travelled on “Batory”. The article also explores what characterized these and how their further history unfolded after the decision of scrapping the ship. Thanks to the meticulousness of the pre‑war employees of Gdynia–America Shipping Lines SA, the first inventory of the ship has been reconstructed, although its post‑war fate has already been obliterated. The story is fragmentary, interrupted by the lack of surviving documentation. This is supplemented by photographic documentation and interviews with those who created it. The text is “embedded” in the history of the Tricity on the one hand, and in the history of music on the other. The publication of the article is also intended to evoke memories among those who travelled on the MS “Batory”, which may lead to the completion of missing threads.
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Magdalena Barganowska‑Olbryś, Bartosz Gondek , Marek Kozłow

Yearbook of Gdańsk, LXXXIII (83), 2023, pp. 131 - 149

The authors of the article reveal a hitherto undescribed ideological and construction phenomenon taking place in the Gdańsk County and Pruszcz Gdański. From 1920 to 1956, this region served as a testing ground for model architectural assumptions of the Third Reich and Socialist Realism, intended for implementation in suburban areas. In the publication, the authors highlight a number of objects that, in previous studies of the so‑called “unwanted architecture” in the territory of the Free City of Gdańsk and Pomerania, were either ignored or treated marginally, now giving them the proper contextual significance. Moreover, the article includes detailed studies of architectural forms that are a reference to the traditions of the region, as well as their utilitarian function for the two doctrines discussed.
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Adam Grzybowski

Yearbook of Gdańsk, LXXXIII (83), 2023, pp. 153 - 159

At the end of the 19th century and in the 1920s, the fates of Stanisław Przybyszewski and Stefan Żeromski ran on parallel tracks, and on more than one occasion were tangential and crossed. Today it is difficult to speak of an intimacy between the two writers. However, Przybyszewski was initially enchanted by the works of his friend who was four years older. He valued it highly, and on many occasions strove to have his texts published in the magazines he edited. Żeromski, in turn, tried to help “Stach” obtain permanent employment.

As time went by, their relationship became distant, though they shared the same sensitivity to national and social issues. It was expressed in their literary and journalistic works, as well as in their collaboration with the structures of the Polish Socialist Party. In the reborn Homeland, they both took an active part in shaping the patriotic awareness of Poles during the Powiśle, Warmia and Masuria Plebiscite, and in defending the Polish raison d’État in the so‑called Free City of Gdańsk.

In recognition of their merits, S. Przybyszewski and S. Żeromski were granted, in the end of their lives, positions in the administration of the President of the Republic of Poland. They were decorated with the highest state distinctions and resided at the Royal Castle in Warsaw. Both were also buried with military honours.
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Katarzyna Lukas

Yearbook of Gdańsk, LXXXIII (83), 2023, pp. 160 - 178

The article is devoted to Heinrich Nitschmann, a German translator and propagator of Polish literature in Germany, one of the most influential participants in Polish‑German cultural contacts in the second half of the 19th century. The article emphasizes the regional, borderland aspect of the translator’s biography which was connected with Elbląg, paying attention, however, primarily to Nitschmann’s connections with Danzig, which have been overlooked in previous studies. The paper focuses on Nitschmann’s long‑term cooperation with the Danzig bookseller and publisher Karl Theodor Bertling who enabled his debut as a translator (as editor of several anthologies containing his own translations of Polish poetry) and as an author (a collection of essays Erinnerungen an Oliva, expressing both the translator’s emotional bond with Pomerania and the attitude to nature characteristic of the educated German bourgeoisie of the 19th century). The article posits that it was the Danzig publisher who paved the way for Nitschmann to enter the publishing market in Germany: in Leipzig and Dresden, significantly contributing to his later success. Nitschmann’s publications: his translation anthologies and his popular outline of Polish literature (Geschichte der polnischen Litteratur) had many reprints and shaped the image of Polish culture among German audiences of the Wilhelminian era. The example of Nitschmann’s and Bertling’s successful collaboration shows how the synergy of action between translator and publisher – figures often marginalized from a literary‑historical perspective – resulted in greater power in the literary field and in the possibility of influencing Polish‑German literary contacts in the 19th century.
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Mateusz Ihnatowicz

Yearbook of Gdańsk, LXXXIII (83), 2023, pp. 179 - 196

The article presents an example of Roman Catholic clergy, a secular priest – Fr. Eugeniusz Jankiewicz and the religious father – Jesuit Fr. Bronisław Sroka SJ, saw the birth of Solidarity and how they joined its activities. Getting to know their view of Solidarity was possible thanks to the reports they provided to the Institute of Solidarity Heritage in Gdańsk in 2021. The above‑mentioned reports are dominated by the necessity to provide various pastoral ministry resulting from the fulfillment of priestly functions. In the testimony of Fr. Bronisław Sroka SJ there is a special national factor. Both accounts contain spiritual views with different lives.
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Zbigniew Cywiński

Yearbook of Gdańsk, LXXXIII (83), 2023, pp. 197 - 203

Po ograniczonym wspomnieniu starożytnej Mezopotamii, odniesiono się krótko do pobytu w Iraku podczas II wojny światowej polskich żołnierzy, odpowiednio – w Bagdadzie i w Mosulu, którego 80. rocznica obecnie przypada. Dokonano tego prezentując kilka fotografii i załączając stosowne, zwięzłe komentarze.
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Józef Żerko

Yearbook of Gdańsk, LXXXIII (83), 2023, pp. 225 - 231

Gerard Lubiński (1924–1996) – specjalista z dziedziny pedagogiki opiekuńczo‑wychowawczej; nauczyciel i wychowawca z 26 letnim dorobkiem w instytucjach zajmujących się dziedziną opieki nad dzieckiem w woj. gdańskim (1948–1973); nauczyciel akademicki UG (1974–1990), autor licznych prac, w tym skryptu: „Wybrane zagadnienia z metodyki wychowania opiekuńczego” oraz znanego na skalę ogólnopolską eksperymentu pod nazwą „Galped” dot. aktywizacji społecznej wychowanków domów dziecka w woj. gdańskim; członek: Międzynarodowej Federacji Wspólnot Dziecięcych, Towarzystwa Wolnej Wszechnicy Polskiej, Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Dzieci, Związku Harcerstwa Polskiego, Związku Nauczycielstwa Polskiego.
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Monika Popow

Yearbook of Gdańsk, LXXXIII (83), 2023, pp. 249 - 254

The text describes the course of work on the project “Wolność: dialog nadziemny” (Freedom: Above Ground Dialogue), realized by Krzysztof Wodiczko in cooperation with the Laznia Center for Contemporary Art in Gdansk in October 2023. The author collaborated with the artist in developing the concept and during the creation of the social part of the project. The work consisted of a video installation with excerpts from the statements of people, entering into a dialogue with each other on topics that were related to their identity or left a significant mark in their lives. Participants included two mothers belonging to different generations, people of faith – a Roman Catholic and a priest who left the Roman church for another community, an employee and an employer, a senior citizen and a young gay man, a heteronormative woman and a non‑binary person, as well as an adult with intellectual disability and his mother. An important element was the consultation of the next stages of implementation, and the influence of the participants on the selection of the final version of the material. Wodiczko’s method assumes the full inclusion of the participating people, hence in the case of Freedom the artistic process was combined with a participatory process. Testimonies given in public should be given to witnesses, i.e. the audience. To describe the realized process, I use the term “dialogue with an open heart,” which means radical openness to the other person.
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Zbigniew Cywiński

Yearbook of Gdańsk, LXXXIII (83), 2023, pp. 254 - 261

Referring to the discussion performed at the Gdansk Society of Science in 2021 on certain Pomeranian phantoms functioning after W.W. II in Poland, author presents his opinion.
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