Permissible volume of the article: up to 40,000 characters with spaces
Preferred font: Times New Roman, 12 p.
Space: 1.5 (text justified)
Distance in footnotes: 1.0
Form of footnotes: bottom, with Bibliography collected alphabetically at the end of the article
Bibliographic notes: APA standard, e.g.:
Dewy J. (1975). Art as experience, transl. Andrzej Potocki, Wrocław: Ossolineum
Bauman Z. (2017). Retrotopia, Cambridge-Malden: Polity Press
Kowalska M. (Ed.) (2004). Memory and power. Selection of texts. Gdańsk: Publisher of the University of Gdańsk
Quotes: use quotation marks
Information about the author:
E-mail address for correspondence (in the case of multi-author texts - contact to the "correspondent author") - given at the bottom of the first page of the text, as a footnote to the author's name.
Affiliation (e.g. University of Gdańsk) - given under the name and surname of the author, on the left, at the top of the first page of the text.
Note about the author (affiliation, contact, research interests, publications): 100-150 words - at the end of the text, after the summary and keywords in English.
Summary in Polish (at the beginning of the text): max. 300 words
Abstract in English: abstract (at the end of the text, after Bibliography): max. 300 words
5 keywords in Polish (under the abstract in Polish) and 5 keywords in English: keywords (after abstract in English)