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Krytyka natywizmu jawnego i ukrytego w badaniach nad dziecięcymi teoriami umysłu

Publication date: 13.09.2019

Developmental Psychology, 2019, Volume 24 Issue 2, pp. 15-28



Robert Mirski
John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
, Poland
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1608-4734 Orcid
All publications →


Krytyka natywizmu jawnego i ukrytego w badaniach nad dziecięcymi teoriami umysłu


A Critique of Explicit and Implicit Nativism in Research on Children’s Theories of Mind

The traditional theories of theory-of-mind development – modularist nativism, theory theory, and the two-systems theory – share a common model of mental representation. According to that model, the normative content of representation is encoded in its physical vehicle. In the present article, I point out that this claim entails the view that representation cannot emerge out of non-representational phenomena. This leads to the need of positing foundational mental content – foundationalism – and viewing cognitive development only as a reconfi guration of the innately given representations. As a result, all three models are forced to claim innate mental content, although only the modular nativists explicitly acknowledge it. Further, the idea that mental content is innate faces its own challenges: nativism does not seem to be a tenable position in either the “biological” or “psychological” sense of the term. I argue that nativism is a symptom of theoretical limitations, not a legitimate division of labor between psychology and other sciences.


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Information: Developmental Psychology, 2019, Volume 24 Issue 2, pp. 15-28

Article type: Review article



Krytyka natywizmu jawnego i ukrytego w badaniach nad dziecięcymi teoriami umysłu

A Critique of Explicit and Implicit Nativism in Research on Children’s Theories of Mind



Robert Mirski
John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
, Poland
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1608-4734 Orcid
All publications →

John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin

Published at: 13.09.2019

Article status: Open

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