Treny Jana Kochanowskiego w angielskich przekładach
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RIS BIB ENDNOTETreny Jana Kochanowskiego w angielskich przekładach
Publication date: 20.12.2013
Przekładaniec, 2012, Issue 26 – Przekład mistrzów, pp. 299 - 318
Treny Jana Kochanowskiego w angielskich przekładach
Jan Kochanowski’s Treny in English Translations
This article compares English translations of Jan Kochanowski’s Laments as well as discusses possible reasons and consequences of translatory choices. Dorothea Prall Radin, Stanisław Barańczak and Seamus Heaney, Michał Mikoś and Adam Czerniawski differ considerably in their attitude towards the formal features of the original. While the fi rst three versions preserve the original meter and rhyme schemes more or less successfully, Czerniawski abandons the strict patterns of the original. The article also examines the ways in which the translators deal with such stylistic features of Laments as the apostrophes and diminutives, classical simplicity and references to Psalms. The analysis of specifi c instances reveals the translators’ achievements as well as their failures that occasionally disturb the consistent vision created in Kochanowski’s cycle. Moreover, the analysis refers to selected reviews to illustrate the reception of old Polish literature in English-speaking countries.
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Information: Przekładaniec, 2012, Issue 26 – Przekład mistrzów, pp. 299 - 318
Article type: Original article
Treny Jana Kochanowskiego w angielskich przekładach
Treny Jana Kochanowskiego w angielskich przekładach
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Wieniawskiego 1, 61-712 Poznań, Poland
Published at: 20.12.2013
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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