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The Quest for the Golden Fleece: on Translating Apollonius Rhodius’ Argonautica

Publication date: 05.11.2013

Przekładaniec, Issues in English, Special Issue 2013 – Selection from the Archives, pp. 56 - 70



Emilia Żybert-Pruchnicka
University of Wrocław, plac Uniwersytecki 1, 50-137 Wrocław, Poland
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Anna Kowalcze-Pawlik Orcid


The Quest for the Golden Fleece: on Translating Apollonius Rhodius’ Argonautica


Before recently, there was no full Polish translation of Apollonius Rhodius’
Argonautica. However, fi ve Polish classical scholars, W. Klinger, Z. Abramowiczówna,
J. Łanowski, W. Steffen and W. Appel, have translated excerpts of this Hellenistic epic
into Polish. A comparative analysis of these excerpts with the relevant passages from
the fi rst complete Polish version of the Argonautica by E. Żybert-Pruchnicka makes it
possible to trace the individual strategies of the translators. The most important decision
which every translator of epic poetry has to take at the beginning of his or her work is
to choose the form in which the poem will be rendered. In Polish there are three main
traditions of translating epics: in thirteen-syllable meter, in prose, and in hexameter.
The last type of versifi cation was chosen by fi ve out of six of the translators mentioned
above; only Świderkówna decided to render the Apollonian poem in thirteen-syllable
verse. There are also stylistic and language differences that occur in the passages, due to
the individual preferences of the translators, as well as the writing style characteristic for
the times in which they lived. Klinger, for instance, prefers modernist stylistics, while
Steffen chooses to archaise the language of the poem. However, the aim of this article
is not to evaluate the translations but to open a discussion on how poems written over
two thousand years ago might be rendered in an adequate and contemporary fashion.


Apollonius Rhodius. 1961. Apollonii Rhodii Argonautica. Ed. H. Fränkel. Oxford: Clarendon.

–––, 1964. The “Argonautica” of Apollonius Rhodius. Ed. G.W. Mooney. Amsterdam: A.M. Hakkert.

–––, 1989. Apollonius of Rhodes “Argonautica” Book III. Ed. R.L. Hunter. Cambridge: Cambridge UP.

–––, 1990. Argonautica. Trans. R.C. Seaton. Cambridge MA: Harvard UP.

–––, 2002. Apollonios de Rhodes, Argonautiques. Ed. F. Vian. Paris: Les Belles Lettres.

Apollonios Rodyjski. 1938. Argonautika, Gigantomachia I 989–1011; Porwanie Hylasa przez Nymphy I 1221–1241 i 1256–1260; Ranna tualeta Aphrodity III 43–75, Pierwsze spotkanie z Medeią III 275–298” [Argonautica, Gigantomachy I 989– Hyles’ Abduction by Water Nymphs I 1221–1241 and 1256–1260; Aphrodite’s Morning Toilette III 43–75, First Encounter with Medea III 275–298]. Trans. W. Klinger. Przegląd Klasyczny IV, 10, 733–736.

Apollonios Rodyjski. 1939. Argonautika, Noc rozterki duchowej III 744–824; Ucieczka Medei z domu rodzinnego IV 11–91; Jazon i Medeia zdobywają złote runo IV 123–130; Gniew Aietesa i pościg IV 212–240; Zakończenie IV 1771–1779 [Argonautica,
The Night of Spiritual Torment III 744–824; Medea’s Escape from Family Home IV 11–91; Jason and Medea Get the Golden Fleece IV 123–130; Aeëtes’ Anger and Pursuit IV 212–240; Conclusion IV 1771–1779]. Trans. W. Klinger. Przegląd Klasyczny V, 6–8, 743–749.

Apollonios Rodyjski. 1938. Argonautika, Przedśpiew (I 1–4); Odjazd bohaterów z Iolku I 519–558; Wstęp do drugiej części poematu III 1–5; Wesele Medei i Jazona IV 1128–1169 [Argonautica, Prelude (I 1–4); Departure of the Heroes from Iolcus I 519–558; Preface to the Second Part of the Poem III 1–5; Jason and Medea’s Nuptials IV 1128–1169]. Trans. W. Klinger. Filomata 100, 434–436.

Apollonios z Rodos. 1980. Przed wyprawą Argonautów po złote runo (Apollonius z Rodos I 228–360) [Before the Outset of the Argonauts’ Quest for the Golden Fleece]. Trans. W. Steffen. Meander 1–2.

Appel, W. 2002. Klea kai aklea andron. Zarys dziejów greckiej poezji epickiej od Choirilosa do Nonnosa [Klea kai aklea andron: An Outline of the History of Greek Epic Poetry from Choerilus to Nonnus]. Toruń: Wydawnictwo UMK.

Appel, W. 2000. Argonautika Apolloniusa z Rodos (II 669–693; II 1030–1089; III 744–760) w przekładzie Abramowiczówny. Meander 5.

Dłuska, M. 2001. Odmiany i dzieje wiersza polskiego [Types of Polish Poetry and Its History]. Prace wybrane [Chosen Works]. Vol. 1. Krakow: Universitas.

Dłuska, M. 1978. Studia z historii i teorii wersyfi kacji polskiej [Studies in the History and Theory of Polish Versifi cation]. Vol. 2. Warsaw: PWN.

Świderkówna, A. 1991. Bogowie zeszli z Olimpu [Gods Descended from the Olympus]. Warsaw: Bellona.

Wikarjak, J. 1977. “Polskie przekłady Eneidy.” Symbolae Philologorum Posnaniensium III.


Information: Przekładaniec, Issues in English, Special Issue 2013 – Selection from the Archives, pp. 56 - 70

Article type: Original article



The Quest for the Golden Fleece: on Translating Apollonius Rhodius’ Argonautica


The Quest for the Golden Fleece: on Translating Apollonius Rhodius’ Argonautica


University of Wrocław, plac Uniwersytecki 1, 50-137 Wrocław, Poland

Published at: 05.11.2013

Article status: Open

Licence: None

Percentage share of authors:

Emilia Żybert-Pruchnicka (Author) - 100%
Anna Kowalcze-Pawlik (Translator) - 0%

Article corrections:


Publication languages:
