Report from the Battlefield: How to Translate Battle Descriptions in the Mahābhārata
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEPublication date: 14.04.2023
Przekładaniec, 2022, Issue 45, pp. 133 - 154
Report from the Battlefield: How to Translate Battle Descriptions in the Mahābhārata
This article discusses the problem of scene construal in translation, based on a selected description of the battle scene in the Mahābhārata. It is an old Indian epic (c. 400 BCE–400 CE), the greatest epic of mankind (c. 100,000 stanzas), composed in Sanskrit, most likely orally, and certainly distributed in this way. Its main theme is the war between related families. In Indology, descriptions of battles have been treated as conventional because of their orality, however, a closer analysis shows their well- thought-out structure.
The article discusses examples of zooming-in/out strategy (Langacker 2005) as one of the methods of active scene building. I show how the authors of the Mahābhārata construed doubly dynamic scenes in which both the content of the description (i.e. the fight) and the description itself is dynamic, reflecting the narrator’s movement. I also discuss the difficulties it presents to the Polish translator and consider the extent to which Polish inflection allows for a similar construal, thus meeting the translation requirements proposed by Tabakowska (1993). My hypothesis is that in many cases such doubly dynamic scenes can be successfully reflected in Polish, as opposed to an English translation (Cherniak 2008–9), thus preserving the extraordinary value of the original.
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Information: Przekładaniec, 2022, Issue 45, pp. 133 - 154
Article type: Original article
Report from the Battlefield: How to Translate Battle Descriptions in the Mahābhārata
Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages UNISA, Pretoria
Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Warsaw
Published at: 14.04.2023
Article status: Open
Licence: CC BY
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