Reflections on the Substantive Content of Modern History School Textbooks
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RIS BIB ENDNOTERefleksje nad merytoryczną zawartością podręczników szkolnych do historii nowożytnej
Publication date: 06.07.2015
History Notebooks, 2015, Issue 142 (2), pp. 329-337
Refleksje nad merytoryczną zawartością podręczników szkolnych do historii nowożytnej
History textbooks intended for the lower secondary schools introduce the modern era in the second grade. The problem is that its chronological framework is too broad, which results in the use of numerous shortcuts as well as in superficial treatment of a variety of issues. With regard to the textbook structure, one can notice a certain unity and typicality. Standard chronological-problematic system was used. Source texts are a regular part of textbooks, usually accompanied by appropriate questions and tasks for students. Sources included in textbooks are generally well and aptly chosen. What is more, the books provide a chronological summary of major events in the form of tables or chronological tables, calendars, or timelines. We should appreciate the fact that it becomes a norm to include explanations of various difficult terms and concepts. Iconography is to be found in many textbooks and one can notice its diversity; outside illustrative function, it provides a lot of additional knowledge. All textbooks are characterized by a rich and varied graphic design. On the other hand, there may be some objections as to the illustrations used in the school books; this refers primarily to their size – often illustrations are simply too small and there is little to be seen on them. Similar objections can also be applied to the maps – they are either too small and illegible or contain too much information as well as cover a too long period.
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Information: History Notebooks, 2015, Issue 142 (2), pp. 329-337
Article type: Original article
Refleksje nad merytoryczną zawartością podręczników szkolnych do historii nowożytnej
Reflections on the Substantive Content of Modern History School Textbooks
Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Gołębia 24, 31-007 Kraków, Poland
Published at: 06.07.2015
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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