Physical and chemical properties of streamwater in the Tatra Mountains during April–November 2011
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEPublication date: 19.09.2023
Geographical Studies, 2013 , Issue 133, pp. 49 - 60
Właściwości fizykochemiczne wody potoków tatrzańskich w okresie kwiecień – listopad 2011 roku
The chemistry of mountains streams depends on natural factors (geology, litology, tectonics, and variable supply patterns) and anthropogenic factors. The aim of this paper is to determine the spatial diversity and variability of physico-chemical properties of streamwater in the Tatra Mts. Principal components analysis was used to determine the factors influencing the chemical composition of streamwater in the Tatra Mountains. Nine streams in the Tatra Mts. were selected for research. Using ion chromatography the concentration of 14 ions was estimated. The variability of physical and chemical parameters of streamwater depends mainly on the geology of an area and dissolution process. Generally, diluted water contains lower concentrations of most dissolved ions. Another factor is the influence of temperature and vegetation.
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Badania częściowo zrealizowano w ramach projektu pod nazwą Doctus – Małopolski fundusz stypendialny dla doktorantów oraz Czynniki warunkujące zróżnicowanie przestrzenne i dynamikę chemizmu wód w Tatrzańskim Parku Narodowym.
Information: Geographical Studies, 2013 , Issue 133, pp. 49 - 60
Article type: Original article
Institute of Geography and Spatial Management, Jagiellonian University
Published at: 19.09.2023
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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