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Procedures for external peer review

Guidelines for reviewers of potential articles submitted to Folia Quaternaria

The editorial board of Folia Quaternaria uses the following guidelines for reviewers. These recommendations are based on the booklet “Good practice in procedures of reviewing in science” published by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education in 2011.

  1.  Each publication is evaluated by at least two anonymous for Author(s), competent and independent reviewers.

  2. All reviewers must declare that they do not have a conflict of interest meaning that no direct personal or professional relationship exists between them and the author(s). Besides, the reviewer should not agree to review a paper if she/he have established a direct scientific collaboration with the author(s) two years prior to the invitation from the Editor.

  3. The review must be prepared as a written report that must be completed with a clear indication of the acceptance or rejection of the article under question.

  4. An additional reviewer is usually invited to participate in the process if a negative review is provided by the first reviewer.

  5. The identity of the reviewers of each publication/volumes will not be disclosed. However, once a year the journal publishes the list of collaborating reviewers.