Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie

2015 Następne

Data publikacji: 04.05.2016

Licencja: Żadna


Redaktor naczelny Jolanta Dudek

Recenzenci tomu dr hab. Jacek Gutorow, prof. Laurence Davies

Zawartość numeru

Słowa kluczowe: Conrad, Poland Revisited, Cracow, translation, manipulation, The Other, alienation, understanding, sympathy, communication, Levinas, loneliness, alterity, Joseph Conrad, Nostromo, Under Western Eyes, The Secret Agent, Ford Madox Ford, The Inheritors, Sir Thomas More, utopia, dystopia, political novel, moral conventions, social exclusion, love, sacrifice, alienation, atavistic rage, crime, atmospherics, climatology, redundancy, information theory, media theory, The Secret Agent, Conrad’s Concept of the Gentleman, aristocratic ethos, aristocratic code of honour, knightly code of honour, Bertrand Russell, Joseph Conrad, Joseph Conrad, Yann Martel, parallel, Life of Pi, refractions of Conrad’s seafaring philosophy, nomadic biography, aerial and aquatic maps of the world, boundary crossing, boundless space, migration, migrant writing, mountaineering, cultural landscape, Joseph Conrad, Jan Józef Szczepański, Conrad in Polish literature, rapture, Christian inspirations, World War II literature, intertextuality, Joseph Conrad, Leszek Prorok, William Faulkner, mythological Freya, ambivalence, Stanisław Lem, Joseph Conrad, Jan Józef Szczepański, “bring the visible world to justice”, “mete out justice to the visible world”, the ontology of a seaman, the ontology of an astronaut, axiological absolutism, rationalism, irrationalism, The Inn of the Two Witches, The Shadow Line, intertextuality, transposition, popular culture, popular fiction, science fiction, Conrad, critical reception, Poland, Jospeh Conrad, censorship, communist rule, Home Army, Conradian values, literary criticism, allegory, correspondence, clue, detection, irony, process