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RIS BIB ENDNOTEWybierz format
Data publikacji: 08.01.2016
Studia Linguistica Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis, 2015, Volume 132, Issue 3, s. 167 - 185
This article describes the emergence of the dialectal differences in phonology that eventually led to the division of Western Karaim into two dialects. The study is based on manuscripts and manuscript editions covering the period between the 17th and 20th centuries. Special attention is paid to the relative chronology of the phonological changes. A periodization of Western Karaim is also proposed.
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Handwritten sources
B 263 = A manuscript in Hebrew written in 1662 in Trakai by Abraham ben Yoshiyahu (1636–1667) with short North-Western additions from 1671 (a qinah authored by Zarach ben Natan in 1649), see Muchowski (2013: 86–87, 97–98; 2015). Stored in the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Saint Petersburg.24
JSul.III.01 = A handwritten, vocalised translation of the Torah and selected passages from the books of the Prophets (haftarah) into South-Western Karaim from Halych from the 19th century. Stored in the private archive of Anna Sulimowicz.
JSul.III.03 = Handwritten, vocalised additions in Hebrew and South-Western Karaim from ca. 1778 added to a printed prayer book (in Hebrew) from 1736/1737. Kept in the private archive of Anna Sulimowicz.
JSul.III.05 = Handwritten, not-vocalised prayer book in Hebrew and North-Western Karaim from Kukizów from ca. 1782. Kept in the private archive of Anna Sulimowicz.
JSul.III.31 = Handwritten, vocalised additions in Hebrew and North-Western Karaim from the second half of the 19th century added to a printed prayer book (in Hebrew) consisting of two parts published in 1868 and 1872. Kept in the private archive of Anna Sulimowicz.
JSul.III.63 = Handwritten, vocalised additions in Hebrew and South-Western Karaim from the 19th c. added to a printed prayer book (in Hebrew) from 1804/1805. Kept in the private archive of Anna Sulimowicz.
JSul.III.69 = Handwritten, vocalised prayer book in Hebrew and South-Western Karaim from Halych from the period between 1851–1866. Kept in the private archive of Anna Sulimowicz.
JSul.III.74 = Handwritten, vocalised additions in Hebrew and South-Western Karaim from ca. 1805 added to a printed prayer book (in Hebrew) from 1736/1737. Kept in the private archive of Anna Sulimowicz.
JSul.III.79 = Handwritten, vocalised prayer book in Hebrew and South-Western Karaim from Halych from the period between 1851–1866. Kept in the private archive of Anna Sulimowicz.
III-68 = Handwritten, vocalised translation of the Haggadah into North-Western Karaim copied in Trakai in 1881–1882. Kept in a private archive, whose owner wishes to remain, for the time being, anonymous.
III-73 = Handwritten, vocalised translation of the Torah, the Book of Ruth, the Book of Jeremiah, Ecclesiastes, and the Book of Esther into North-Western Karaim from Kukizów from 1720 (the Torah) and ca. the 1720s (the other books). Kept in a private archive whose owner wishes to remain, for the time being, anonymous.
III-78 = Handwritten, vocalised prayer book in Hebrew, South-Western Karaim and North-Western Karaim from ca. 1750. Kept in a private archive whose owner wishes to remain, for the time being, anonymous.
III-86 = Handwritten, partially vocalised prayer book copied by a number of copyists in Hebrew and North-Western Karaim in the second half of the 18th c. and the first half of the 19th c. Kept in a private archive whose owner wishes to remain, for the time being, anonymous.
Informacje: Studia Linguistica Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis, 2015, Volume 132, Issue 3, s. 167 - 185
Typ artykułu: Oryginalny artykuł naukowy
Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie, Polska, ul. Gołębia 24, 31-007 Kraków
Publikacja: 08.01.2016
Status artykułu: Otwarte
Licencja: Żadna
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AngielskiLiczba wyświetleń: 2128
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