Flora i fauna kosmiczna Stanisława Lema w przekładzie na język angielski
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEFlora i fauna kosmiczna Stanisława Lema w przekładzie na język angielski
Data publikacji: 2023
Przekładaniec, 2020, Numer 40 – Gatunki literackie w przekładzie, s. 51 - 69
Flora i fauna kosmiczna Stanisława Lema w przekładzie na język angielski
Stanisław Lem’s Space Flora and Fauna Translated into English
The article discusses authorial neologisms coined by Stanislaw Lem and their translation into English on the example of 37 plant and animal names excerpted from the short story entitled Let Us Save the Universe (An Open Letter from Ijon Tichy), which, together with their English equivalents, were subject to comparative analysis. Since these names may create translation problems, the purpose of the analysis was primarily to determine the problem-solving techniques used by the translators, Maria Święcicka-Ziemianek and Joel Stern. Another goal was to make an attempt at explaining their translation choices and to determine the impact of these choices on the way in which the equivalents expressed with neologisms perform their naming function and the function through which they create the narrative world in the target text. Therefore, the article lists the possible causes of translation problems evoked by neologisms and presents the characteristics of the analysed names in terms of translation difficulties they may pose. The analytical material is presented taking into account the relationship between neologisms and their equivalents with the accompanying context and/or illustration. The article provides conclusions on the impact of the techniques used and the elements that determined the final shape of equivalents on the way the naming and creative function of authorial neologisms are reflected in the target text. It also shows the methods of overcoming problems related to translating neologisms into a foreign language.
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Informacje: Przekładaniec, 2020, Numer 40 – Gatunki literackie w przekładzie, s. 51 - 69
Typ artykułu: Oryginalny artykuł naukowy
Flora i fauna kosmiczna Stanisława Lema w przekładzie na język angielski
Stanisław Lem’s Space Flora and Fauna Translated into English
Uniwersytet Warszawski, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 30, 00-927 Warszawa, Polska
Publikacja: 2023
Status artykułu: Otwarte
Licencja: CC BY-NC-ND
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PolskiLiczba wyświetleń: 1292
Liczba pobrań: 1507