Czesław Miłosz as a Translator of the Poetics of Grammar and Language Asymmetries in the Poems of Herbert, Różewicz and Szymborska
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RIS BIB ENDNOTECzesław Miłosz as a Translator of the Poetics of Grammar and Language Asymmetries in the Poems of Herbert, Różewicz and Szymborska
Data publikacji: 02.08.2013
Przekładaniec, Numery anglojęzyczne, Issue 25/2011– Between Miłosz and Milosz, s. 245 - 266
Czesław Miłosz as a Translator of the Poetics of Grammar and Language Asymmetries in the Poems of Herbert, Różewicz and Szymborska
This article discusses Czesław Miłosz as a poet-translator of the poetry of
his younger colleagues: Herbert, Różewicz and Szymborska. The comparative analysis
focuses on features largely neglected in translation studies, such as Polish-English
linguistic asymmetries and the poetics of grammar, that is, the functions of defi nite,
indefi nite and zero articles, verbs and their aspects, personal pronouns as well as the
auxiliary verb jest/is. Whereas some of these items cannot be translated adequately
because they cause aesthetic loss in any translation, others allow for adequate,
sometimes even “optimal” translation.
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Informacje: Przekładaniec, Numery anglojęzyczne, Issue 25/2011– Between Miłosz and Milosz, s. 245 - 266
Typ artykułu: Oryginalny artykuł naukowy
Czesław Miłosz as a Translator of the Poetics of Grammar and Language Asymmetries in the Poems of Herbert, Różewicz and Szymborska
Czesław Miłosz as a Translator of the Poetics of Grammar and Language Asymmetries in the Poems of Herbert, Różewicz and Szymborska
Uniwersytet w Moguncji
Uniwersytet w Moguncji
Publikacja: 02.08.2013
Status artykułu: Otwarte
Licencja: Żadna
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-Języki publikacji:
AngielskiLiczba wyświetleń: 2184
Liczba pobrań: 1933