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RIS BIB ENDNOTEWybierz format
RIS BIB ENDNOTEParticular Type of Property Restitution after World War II – German Military Exercise Areas on the Territory of the Ex-Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia
Data publikacji: 30.09.2019
Krakowskie Studia z Historii Państwa i Prawa, Tom 12 (2019), Tom 12, Zeszyt 3, s. 375 - 386
The article describes the restitution process that took place after 1945 in Czechoslovakia in relation to the property occupied in 1939–1945 in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia for the creation of German military exercise areas. They were supposed to be used for the Germanization of the Czech lands. To create these spaces, the Nazis abused the legal order of the Czechoslovak Republic from 1918 to 1938. The restitution process subject to this territory after 1945 was governed by the separate Directive of the Settlement Office and the National Renewal Fund of 2 December 1947. It was generally based on the principles contained in the Act No. 128/1946 Coll., on the invalidity of certain propertyright acts from the time of oppression and of some other intervention into property-rights, as amended by the Act No. 79/1948 Coll. This directive was, generally speaking, more favorable to restituents than analogous legal regulations. Attention is paid not only to the content of the Directive of 2 December 1947 and related legislation, but also to its application from the end of World War II to the present. The article also refers to the professional literature, which was devoted to the topic.
Legal acts and other sources
Czech Land Registry, Number of File record 623.
Imperial Regulation No. 337/1914 Reich Law Gazette, implementing bankruptcy code, settlement code, and protect code.
Katastralgebiet Hradisch/katastrální území Hradištko (pod Medníkem) [cadastral area Hradištko (pod Medníkem)], Gerichtsbezirk Eule/soudní okres Jílové (District Court in Jílové), Zahl der Grundbuchseinlage 1/číslo knihovní vložky 1 (Number of record file 1).
Komentář k československému obecnému zákoníku občanskému a občanské právo platné na Slovensku a v Podkarpatské Rusi [Commentary to Czechoslovak General Civil Code and civil right applicable in Slovakia and Carpathian Ruthenia], Díl šestý (§§ 1342 až 1502) [Part Six (Sections 1342 to 1502)], eds F. Rouček, J. Sedláček, Prague: V. Linhart, 1937.
Okresní archiv Praha – západ, archivní fond MNV Hradištko, podací deník 1946–1947 District Archive Prague – West, archive funds of MNC Hradištko, Submissions Log Book for Years 1946–1947.
Presidential Decree No. 100/1945 Coll., on nationalization of mines and some industrial companies.
Presidential Decree No. 101/1945 Coll., on nationalization of some food industry companies.
Presidential Decree No. 102/1945 Coll., on nationalization of stock banks.
Presidential Decree No. 103/1945 Coll., on nationalization of private insurance companies.
Presidential Decree No. 108/1945 Coll., on confiscations of enemy property and National Recovery Funds.
Presidential Decree No. 54/1945 Coll., on reporting and establishment of war damages and damages caused by extraordinary circumstances.
The Act No. 128/1946 Coll., on invalidity of certain property-right acts from the time of oppression and of some other intervention into property-rights.
The Act No. 428/2012 Coll., on property settlement with churches and religious societies.
The Patent No. 946/1811 Coll. of Court Law, the General Civil Code.
The Settlement Office and the National Recovery Fund, Ref. No. ZR 9551/47 of 21 October 1947, National Archive, ÚPV-B fund.
The Settlement Office and the National Recovery Fund, agricultural restitutions, Ref. No. ZR 12373 of 2 December 1947.
The Act No. 128/1946 Coll. with regard to the property on the territory of the ex-German military exercise areas. National Archive, ÚPV-B fund, box 1025.
Katastralgebiet Hradisch/katastrální území Hradištko (pod Medníkem) [cadastral area Hradištko (pod Medníkem)], Gerichtsbezirk Eule/soudní okres Jílové (District Court in Jílové), Zahl der Grundbuchseinlage 1/číslo knihovní vložky 1 (Number of record file 1).
Presidential Decree No. 12/1945 Coll., on confiscation and quick distribution of agricultural property of Germans, Hungarians, and traitors and enemies of Czech and Slovak nation. Government Bureau, Red. No. 1729/dův./47 of 10 September 1947, decision of the 101st meeting of the third government held on 9 September 1947. National Archive, ÚPV-B fund, box 879. The Supreme Court, File No. 30 Cdo 608/2000 of 18 October 2001.
Secondary literature
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Informacje: Krakowskie Studia z Historii Państwa i Prawa, Tom 12 (2019), Tom 12, Zeszyt 3, s. 375 - 386
Typ artykułu: Oryginalny artykuł naukowy
Particular Type of Property Restitution after World War II – German Military Exercise Areas on the Territory of the Ex-Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia
University of West Bohemia in Pilsen
Publikacja: 30.09.2019
Status artykułu: Otwarte
Licencja: CC BY-NC-ND
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