ul. Bolesława Chrobrego 31, 26–600 Radom
ISNI ID: 0000 0001 2152 5584
Mariusz Wieczorek
Studia z Zakresu Prawa Pracy i Polityki Społecznej (Studies on Labour Law and Social Policy), Tom 30 Zeszyt 2, Volume 30 (2023), s. 97 - 105
https://doi.org/10.4467/25444654SPP.23.007.17888Loyalty to their employer is one of the duties of civil servants, local government employees in clerical positions, and state officials
Officials owe loyalty to their employer, in this case an organisation without a legal personality under Art. 3 of the Labour Code and an office as defined by administrative sciences. The clerical duty of loyalty cannot be restricted to the other party to the employment relationship, however. Given the importance of the Polish nationality to the contracting and continuation of clerical employment relationships, officials must be assumed to owe loyalty to the state and public institutions. The clerical loyalty to the Republic of Poland should be seen as a materialisation of the constitutional duty of a citizen’s allegiance to a state. Due to the importance of an act of will to the deprivation of Polish citizenship, the discontinuation of a clerical employment relationship is necessary.
ASJC: 3308, JEL: K31
Mariusz Wieczorek
Studia z Zakresu Prawa Pracy i Polityki Społecznej (Studies on Labour Law and Social Policy), Tom 31 Zeszyt 2, Volume 31 (2024), s. 135 - 142
https://doi.org/10.4467/25444654SPP.24.011.19486Mariusz Wieczorek
Rocznik Administracji Publicznej, 2017 (3), 2017, s. 95 - 108
https://doi.org/10.4467/24497800RAP.17.007.7058The Recruitment Procedure Applied to Candidates for Uniformed Services
Mariusz Wieczorek
Radca Prawny, 2 (31), 2022, s. 73 - 82
https://doi.org/10.4467/23921943RP.22.018.16881Radcowie prawni, zarówno w wymiarze jednostkowym, jak i grupowym, to jest jako samorząd zawodowy, wykonując swoje obowiązki i powinności wynikające z przepisów prawa i norm deontologicznych określających ich status zawodowy, mają do odegrania rolę o charakterze ustrojowym. Rola ta polega na przyczynianiu się do umacniania oraz rozwijania demokratycznego charakteru Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej. Szczególnie doniosłym narzędziem służącym realizacji tego zadania samorządu radców prawnych jest przedstawianie opinii o projektach aktów prawnych. Jest to narzędzie ustrojowe, które ze względu na istotę zawodu radcy prawnego pozwala ich samorządowi na przedstawianie na etapie prac legislacyjnych ewentualnych zagrożeń wynikających z projektowanych aktów normatywnych dla gwarantowanych konstytucyjnie praw i wolności obywatelskich.
O ustrojowej roli radców prawnych w demokratycznym państwie prawnym można mówić również w wymiarze indywidualnym, który uwidacznia się przede wszystkim w toku świadczenia pomocy prawnej (przy wykonywaniu zawodu). Klauzula państwa prawnego nie może być wszak pozbawiona swojego fundamentalnego komponentu, za jaki uznaje się prawa i wolności jednostki. W tak rozumianym pojęciu państwa prawnego można i należy sytuować radców prawnych, którzy, świadcząc pomoc prawną, współuczestniczą w realizacji zasady państwa prawnego.
Ustrojowa rola, jaką mają do odegrania radcowie prawni w wymiarze indywidualnym i in gremio, czyli jako samorząd, nabiera szczególnego znaczenia w czasie kryzysu państwa prawnego. Samorząd radców prawnych, podobnie jak samorządy innych zawodów prawniczych, jest szczególnie predestynowany do tego, aby zabierać głos w debacie publicznej na temat zmian w wymiarze sprawiedliwości, które mogą godzić w porządek konstytucyjny.
The role of attorneys-at-law in a democratic state ruled by law
Attorneys-at-law, both at the individual and group level, i.e., as a professional self-government, when performing their duties and obligations arising from the provisions of law and deontological norms defining their professional status, have a role of a systemic nature to play. This role is intended to contribute to the strengthening and development of the democratic character of the Republic of Poland. A particularly important tool for carrying out this task of the National Bar of Attorneys-at-Law is the possibility to present opinions on draft legal acts, a constitutional tool which, due to the very essence of the attorney-at-law’s profession, allows the National Bar of Attorneys-at-Law to present at the stage of legislative work possible threats arising from the proposed normative acts to constitutionally guaranteed civil rights and freedoms.
The systemic role of attorneys-at-law in a democratic state ruled by law can also be seen in an individual dimension, which is manifested primarily in the course of providing legal assistance (as part of the professional practice). After all, the rule of law clause cannot be deprived of its fundamental component, which is considered to be the rights and freedoms of the individual. In this concept of the rule of law, attorneys-at-law, who participate in the implementation of the rule of law by providing legal assistance, can and should be treated as its constituent.
The systemic role to be played by attorneys-at-law individually and in gremio, i.e., as a professional self-government, becomes particularly important in times of crisis of the state ruled by law. The National Bar of Attorneys-at-Law, like the bar associations of other legal professions, is particularly predestined to take the floor in public debate on changes in the administration of justice that may violate the constitutional order.
Mariusz Wieczorek
Radca Prawny, 2 (31), 2022, s. 287 - 295
Attorneys-at-law, both at the individual and group level, i.e., as a professional self-government, when performing their duties and obligations arising from the provisions of law and deontological norms defining their professional status, have a role of a systemic nature to play. This role is intended to contribute to the strengthening and development of the democratic character of the Republic of Poland. A particularly important tool for carrying out this task of the National Bar of Attorneys-at-Law is the possibility to present opinions on draft legal acts, a constitutional tool which, due to the very essence of the attorney-at-law’s profession, allows the National Bar of Attorneys-at-Law to present at the stage of legislative work possible threats arising from the proposed normative acts to constitutionally guaranteed civil rights and freedoms.
The systemic role of attorneys-at-law in a democratic state ruled by law can also be seen in an individual dimension, which is manifested primarily in the course of providing legal assistance (as part of the professional practice). After all, the rule of law clause cannot be deprived of its fundamental component, which is considered to be the rights and freedoms of the individual. In this concept of the rule of law, attorneys-at-law, who participate in the implementation of the rule of law by providing legal assistance, can and should be treated as its constituent.
The systemic role to be played by attorneys-at-law individually and in gremio, i.e., as a professional self-government, becomes particularly important in times of crisis of the state ruled by law. The National Bar of Attorneys-at-Law, like the bar associations of other legal professions, is particularly predestined to take the floor in public debate on changes in the administration of justice that may violate the constitutional order.
Mariusz Wieczorek
Rocznik Administracji Publicznej, 2016 (2), 2016, s. 70 - 81
https://doi.org/10.4467/24497800RAP.16.005.5098Selected Aspects of the Changes in the Sickness Security of Uniformed Service Officers
In the event of social risks materialising, the ocers of uniformed services ocers benefit from the protection guaranteed by the provisioning system, which diers significantly from the general insurance scheme. The dierences lie mainly in the methods of financing the benefit, but they also applies to the conditioning of social risks, as well as prerequisites and procedures for determining the right to the benet. A common feature of both systems is, in particular, that they are regulated by the provisions of administrative law. The main objective of this contribution entitled Selected aspects of the changes in the sickness security of uniformed service officers, is to attempt to answer the question whether the changes made in recent years in the social security system of uniformed officers in case of sickness can be assessed as a „modernisation of social security law”.