Elżbieta Mirewska
Zeszyty Pracy Socjalnej, Tom 24, numer 2, 2019, s. 81 - 100
https://doi.org/10.4467/24496138ZPS.19.006.11083Ethical and non-ethical behavior of a social worker towards their client
The transformation period which took place in the 80s’ in Poland resulted in a noticeable change of attitude towards the social care system perceived as an institution. A social worker has been given and made to take over new responsibilities which previously had belonged to educational, legal or health institutions. Narrow specialization of a social worker conduct has become the most recognizable feature of this change. Also professionals have become ‘hostages’ of bureaucratic activities. Multidimensional activities targeted towards those who are endangered with all sorts of marginalization have been imposed on them too. A social worker is obliged to work in all sorts of environments – with the homeless, the socially excluded, the unemployed, the terminally or seriously ill. Such professionals work also with those who are passive and discouraged from all kinds of activities. Motivating such groups is not only time consuming but may also bring little or no results. Imposing such duties on social workers, frequent job frustrations or sometimes the lack of proper preparation for the contacts with a client may lead to inappropriate conduct, non-ethical behavior or boundaries crossing. The article explores some problems of social workers which they are forced to face daily in the social welfare in contemporary Poland.
Elżbieta Mirewska
Zeszyty Pracy Socjalnej, Tom 24, Numer 4, 2019, s. 323 - 329
https://doi.org/10.4467/24496138ZPS.19.027.12011Some examples of innovative solutions in social work ‒ a public perspective
Contemporary trends in the creation of state social policy focus on the concept of multisectorality, which provides theoretical analyses and practical solutions. The model of multisectorality most often points to the model of the triangle of society’s welfare. It assumes the coexistence of three components of the state, market and households (the concept of welfare mix). The model of the society’s welfare triangle has been modified over time. The category of civil society and the various sub‑sectors were replaced by households. The new concept of multisectorality consists in the equality of all sectors and the transfer of tasks from the state sector to other sectors. In the adopted assumptions, none of the sectors should dominate, and the state’s task should be to organise optimal conditions for successful development, including providing the necessary legal, financial and organisational resources, while maintaining the state’s regulatory and control functions. The aim of the article is to present selected innovative solutions present in the area of social work, which are consistent with the modern approach to multisectoriality.
Elżbieta Mirewska
Zdrowie Publiczne i Zarządzanie, Tom 7, Numer 1, 2009, s. 95 - 101
In job education of professionals providing care for older persons in the social care institutions (ComPro project)
Continuous in-job education plays a meaningful role in the update of professional knowledge and skills needed to provide high quality services.
The positive attitude to constant education is currently perceived as a crucial characteristic of a worker which allows for development of professional career. Moreover, the educational policy builds strength of an institution at the labor market. The following paper presents the concept of continuous in-job education of professionals providing care for elderly people in social care institutions in Poland. It promotes the idea of a new profession of coordinator of in-job education – a person responsible for educational needs assessment and training plan development in Polish social care facilities. On top of this, the article provides the outline of a systematic approach to strategy of professionals’ in-job education including: educational needs diagnosis, structured training plan, training implementation and outcomes evaluation. The paper was written in the frames of the ComPro project.
Elżbieta Mirewska
Zeszyty Pracy Socjalnej, Tom 22, numer 4, 2017, s. 265 - 276
https://doi.org/10.4467/24496138ZPS.17.016.8011The Culture of Collaboration as the Indispensable Element of Partner Cooperation
Elżbieta Mirewska
Zeszyty Pracy Socjalnej, Tom 20, numer 2, 2015, s. 71 - 85
https://doi.org/10.4467/24496138PS.15.006.5704Model of cohesion policy for disabled people in the European and Polish perspective
Countries united in the membership of the Council of Europe in 2006, adopted by the Committee of Ministers of the recommendation relating to the implementation of a new model of approach to disability issues. In this model, the concentration of abandoned "on a disabled person as an isolated entity, rather than a coherent, integrated approach which respects human rights, fundamental freedoms and dignity of all people with disabilities. As a result, in many European countries to promote an active policy that allows people with disabilities to control over their own lives. At the same time society has changed the role of the total number of non-governmental organizations, especially organizations of persons with disabilities. They have become partners with governments and people with disabilities, acting on behalf of people with disabilities, service providers or as a source of knowledge and competence. "This partnership between the (government and community organizations), the construction of the cohesion policy for people with disabilities. As far as the Polish system coped with a new model and European recommendations, this article tries to present.
Elżbieta Mirewska
Zeszyty Pracy Socjalnej, Tom 22, numer 3, 2017, s. 195 - 212
https://doi.org/10.4467/24496138ZPS.17.012.8007Managing childhood in social work in the context of institutional forms of childcare
Elżbieta Mirewska
Zeszyty Pracy Socjalnej, Tom 23, numer 4, 2018, s. 333 - 347
https://doi.org/10.4467/24496138ZPS.18.021.10076On vulnerable identities and recognition of child abuse
The phenomenon of violence against children is a serious social problem, and public awareness about the effects of violence for children remains at a low level. Children with vulnerable identity experience a developmental trauma that has a negative impact on the child’s development as well as on the functioning of adult life. Children who are abused with even more determination must fi ght for attention, recognition, dignity and, above all, for the right to be themselves. Th e issue of violence against children raises questions about who and how does it deal with the protection of victims of violence and the promotion of human rights, especially children’s rights? In what direction should social education develop so that the legal regulations are consistent with the knowledge and skills necessary to understand the child’s situation and initiate appropriate assistance activities? What can adults learn from children? Answers to the above questions were given by a person who, through his activities in the “Ad Vocem” Foundation, works with (abused) people every day and who believes that listening to the voice of children is a way to understand what is important to them and what they need. Because – as she claims – knowledge and skills give a sense of security and courage for eff ective action.
Elżbieta Mirewska
Zdrowie Publiczne i Zarządzanie, Tom 7, Numer 1, 2009, s. 85 - 74
Competence profiles assessment for learning supporters of professionals providing care for older people – presentation of ComPro project
As a result of labour migration to the old EU countries the nursing staff in the residential and social care institutions in Poland is being extensively repalced by care assistants who are less knowledgable and competent in providing care for the elderly. Moreover the in-job education is poorly developed in those institutions and the position of an in-job educator is not clearly defined. It is observed that competences of the injob educator should be defined and promoted to improve the process of in-job education. This problem has been addressed by the muliticenter study conducted in the framework of a European ComPro project (Competence Profiles for Learning Supporters in Elderly Care) funded by Leonardo da Vinici program (2006–2008). The main goal of the project was to develop the self-assessment tool for persons responsible for in-job education of professionals caring for older persons in social care institutions. In order to help them recognize the deficit competencies the in-job educators should be specially trained to effectively detect professionals’ educational needs.
Elżbieta Mirewska
Homo et Societas, Nr 3/2018, 2018, s. 12 - 25
https://doi.org/10.4467/25436104HS.18.002.12303Codzienna praca służb społecznych świadczona na rzecz osób potrzebujących oznacza nie tylko profesjonalizm ich działania, ale także umiejętność podejmowania kluczowych decyzji pozostających w zgodzie z etyką wykonywanego zawodu. Sztuka ta nie jest łatwym działaniem. Mimo zachowanego wysokiego poziomu profesjonalizmu świadczonych usług, czasami ich realizatorzy doświadczają dyskomfortu towarzyszącego im w procesie pomagania. Spełnione są wszystkie wymogi stawiane pracownikom w ich organizacji pracy. Przestrzegają oni procedur i reguł administrowania, respektują procesy zarządzania, uznają wypracowane w zespole pracowniczym normy, wartości, zasady. Szanują przyjęty profesjonalny tok postępowania, gwarantując poprawność wykonywania zawodowych czynności. Nie zawsze jednak ta zawodowa poprawność przynosi satysfakcję. Najczęściej dzieje się to tam, gdzie „sztuka zawodowa” mija się z własnym sumieniem. W koncepcji pomagania, najczęściej zawodzą czynniki o charakterze etyczno-moralnym. Służby społeczne dokonały poprawnego wyboru zgodnego z metodycznym postępowaniem, ale czy wybór był zgodny z etyką zawodu pracownika socjalnego? Niniejsze opracowanie stanowi prezentację niektórych interwencji socjalnych zaburzających relacje między fachowo pomagającym, a Osobą w sytuacji wsparcia i pomocy. Stanowi także odniesienie do uwarunkowań projektujących właściwe relacje w pracy socjalnej.