Cezary Zalewski
Wielogłos, Numer 3 (57) 2023, 2023, s. 43 - 66
https://doi.org/10.4467/2084395XWI.23.019.18555Artykuł jest analizą epistolografii Henryka Sienkiewicza powstałą w trakcie jego pobytu w Grecji (w 1886 roku). Podstawową kategorią interpretacyjną jest figura pielgrzyma, która wykorzystana zostaje w dwóch modalnościach: (1) jako scalający i porządkujący projekt autobiograficzny i (2) jako opis konkretnej wędrówki do miejsca świętego (tu: Akropolu). W pierwszym wypadku podróż do Grecji będzie próbą powrotu do siebie samego z okresu studiów filologicznych; w drugim – odprawieniem prywatnego rytuału na ruinach świątyń. Drugi aspekt zostanie poddany wnikliwej analizie pod kątem: (a) wrażeń, (b) wyobrażeń i (c) wyjaśnień, które uruchamia pobyt na Akropolu. W wyniku dociekań stwierdzona zostaje u Sienkiewicza postawa estetycznego panteizmu, która uzyskuje zabarwienie stoickie. W konkluzjach wskazana zostaje różnica między tym stanowiskiem a doświadczeniem ściśle religijnym, które podlega tu wyraźnemu wyparciu.
A Pilgrim and a Pantheist. Henryk Sienkiewicz in Athens
The article is an analysis of Henryk Sienkiewicz’s epistolography written during his stay in Greece (in 1886). The basic interpretive category is the figure of the pilgrim, which is used in two modalities: (1) as a unifying and organizing autobiographical project and (2) as a description of a specific journey to a sacred place (here: the Acropolis). In the first case, the trip to Greece will be an attempt to return to the self from the period of philological studies; in the second one – to perform a private ritual on the ruins of ancient temples. The second aspect will be analysed in depth in terms of: (a) impressions, (b) imaginings and (c) explanations that are triggered by a stay on the Acropolis. As a result of the inquiry, the presence of an attitude of aesthetic pantheism, which acquires a Stoic tinge, is established in Sienkiewicz. In the conclusion, the difference between this stance and a strictly religious experience is indicated, which is subject here to a clear suppression.
Cezary Zalewski
Yearbook of Conrad Studies, Vol. 14, 2019, s. 109 - 122
https://doi.org/10.4467/20843941YC.19.006.13232Cezary Zalewski
Wielogłos, Numer 1 (2) 2007, 2007, s. 95 - 119
The article presents the fundamental category of René Girard’s anthropology, namely the concept of desire. The author discusses, above all, its imitative nature which is revealed in its two basic types: the external and the internal one. The characteristic is supplemented with the metaphysical dimension which appears at times when the object of the desire is existence itself. The presentations were also widened to include the views of psychologists, for whom Girard’s findings constitute an important inspiration.
Cezary Zalewski
Wielogłos, Numer 1 (1) 2007, 2007, s. 97 - 109
The article concerns Czesław Miłosz’s late poetry which contains a few poems dedicated to old photographs (from XIX and beginning of XX century). Active dialogue which Miłosz displays in his works runs symmetrically and paralle. On the one hand Miłosz admiring feminine beauty (Piękna nieznajoma) or condemning bloodthirsty crowd (Człowiek-Mucha) yields subjective temptations which uncovers his own illusions. On the other hand: when he presents photos of dead persons (Mój dziadek Zygmunt Kunat, Anka, Fotografi a) he in fact describes the experience of epiphany which leads him to the truth.