The Role of the Volhynian Massacres in the Building of Narratives about Ukrainians on the Polish Internet
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEThe Role of the Volhynian Massacres in the Building of Narratives about Ukrainians on the Polish Internet
Publication date: 20.12.2018
Zoon Politikon, 2018, Special Issue 2018, pp. 67 - 90
The Role of the Volhynian Massacres in the Building of Narratives about Ukrainians on the Polish Internet
This work is an analysis of historical motives – with special consideration for the problematic nature of the Volhynian Massacres – in the discourse regarding Ukrainians and Ukrainian immigrants in Polish social media. It was realized using CAQDAS tools on the basis of the materials collected in autumn 2016.
This Article is made in Open Access, available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 license.
This article is a translated and modified version of the text that was published in the previous issue of “Zoon Politikon”. See:
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Information: Zoon Politikon, 2018, Special Issue 2018, pp. 67 - 90
Article type: Original article
The Role of the Volhynian Massacres in the Building of Narratives about Ukrainians on the Polish Internet
The Role of the Volhynian Massacres in the Building of Narratives about Ukrainians on the Polish Internet
Collegium Civitas
Published at: 20.12.2018
Article status: Open
Licence: CC BY-SA
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