Enemy and War in Carl Schmitt’s Political Theory
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEEnemy and War in Carl Schmitt’s Political Theory
Publication date: 05.03.2020
Zoon Politikon, 2020, 11/2020, pp. 29 - 41
Enemy and War in Carl Schmitt’s Political Theory
The subject of the following article are the basic concepts present in Carl Schmitt’s political theory: concepts of enemy and war. The concept of the enemy is defined in the first part of the work in the context of coexistence with the concept of friend as the fundamental opposite of the theory of politics. The next part of the essay defines the concept of war, and then describes the right to war (ius belli) as a special right of the state. The last part of this paper deals with the particular concept of enemy, the internal enemy.
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Information: Zoon Politikon, 2020, 11/2020, pp. 29 - 41
Article type: Original article
Enemy and War in Carl Schmitt’s Political Theory
Enemy and War in Carl Schmitt’s Political Theory
Institute of Sociology,
University of Warsaw, Poland
Published at: 05.03.2020
Article status: Open
Licence: CC BY-SA
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