Cultural Capital as Analytical Category: Between Economy and Culture
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RIS BIB ENDNOTECultural Capital as Analytical Category: Between Economy and Culture
Publication date: 20.12.2018
Zoon Politikon, 2018, Special Issue 2018, pp. 133 - 155
Cultural Capital as Analytical Category: Between Economy and Culture
The article considers relations between economy and culture focusing on the concept of cultural capital. I discuss different uses of the notion of capital as an analytical category in the discourse of social sciences. Then, I analyze Pierre Bourdieu’s concept of cultural capital in the context of its specific interplay with Marx’s heritage. The main thesis of this text is the claim that both of them used capital in extra-economical meaning and cultural capital in Bourdieu’s theory is nothing more (and nothing less) then symbolic capital. Moreover, the argumentation shows that a basic Marxist dichotomy between economic and cultural causes (base/superstructure) becomes nowadays irrelevant.
This Article is made in Open Access, available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 license.
This article is a translated and modified version of the text that was published in the previous issue of “Zoon Politikon”. See:
Barbara Markowska, Kapitał jako kategoria analityczna: Marks-Bourdieu, “Zoon Politikon” (6) 2015, DOI: 10.19247/ZOON201512.
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Information: Zoon Politikon, 2018, Special Issue 2018, pp. 133 - 155
Article type: Original article
Cultural Capital as Analytical Category: Between Economy and Culture
Cultural Capital as Analytical Category: Between Economy and Culture
Collegium Civitas
Published at: 20.12.2018
Article status: Open
Licence: CC BY-SA
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