Jak czytać stronę brulionu. Krytyka genetyczna i materialność tekstu

Publication date: 11.09.2017

Wielogłos, 2017, Issue 1 (31) 2017: Ta kartka...Materialność tekstu, pp. 39 - 66



Mateusz Antoniuk
Jagiellonian University in Kraków
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1608-2691 Orcid
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Jak czytać stronę brulionu. Krytyka genetyczna i materialność tekstu


How to Read a Page of a Draft: Genetic Criticism and Material Textuality

The starting point of the study is the question whether the notions of the “bibliographic code”and “linguistic code” (introduced in George Bornstein’s article How to Read a Page. Modernism and Material Textuality) can be applied in the field of genetic criticism. Next, the author focuses on the genesis of Aleksander Wat’s poem U szczytu antynomij [At the Peak of Antinomies], whose subsequent drafts evolved in terms of not only their linguistic but also bibliographic code. In conclusion, some remarks are presented concerning the auracity of the manuscript, a possible new edition of Wat’s poem and the methodological alliance between genetic criticism and studies into the materiality of the text.


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Information: Wielogłos, 2017, Issue 1 (31) 2017: Ta kartka...Materialność tekstu, pp. 39 - 66

Article type: Original article



Jak czytać stronę brulionu. Krytyka genetyczna i materialność tekstu

How to Read a Page of a Draft: Genetic Criticism and Material Textuality



Mateusz Antoniuk
Jagiellonian University in Kraków
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1608-2691 Orcid
Contact with author
All publications →

Jagiellonian University in Kraków

Published at: 11.09.2017

Article status: Open

Licence: CC BY-NC-ND  licence icon

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Mateusz Antoniuk (Author) - 100%

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