Remarks on compositionality (with reference to Gennadij Zeldovic’s article “On Russian Dative Reflexive Constructions: Accidental or Compositional”)

Publication date: 15.10.2011

Studies in Polish Linguistics, Volume 6 (2011), Vol. 6, Issue 1, pp. 173 - 179


Igor M. Boguslavsky
Russian Academy of Sciences, Petersburg, Russia
Technical University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain
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Remarks on compositionality (with reference to Gennadij Zeldovic’s article “On Russian Dative Reflexive Constructions: Accidental or Compositional”)


We address two methodological issues: 1) What is compositionality? We maintain the idea that if a linguistic unit is fully compositional, then in no place of the linguistic description do we need to refer to its existence. 2) How should the compositionality be demonstrated? We suggest that this demonstration should meet higher standards of logical rigor.


Information: Studies in Polish Linguistics, Volume 6 (2011), Vol. 6, Issue 1, pp. 173 - 179

Article type: Original article



Remarks on compositionality (with reference to Gennadij Zeldovic’s article “On Russian Dative Reflexive Constructions: Accidental or Compositional”)


Uwagi o kompozycyjności (w związku z artykułem Genadija Zeldowicza „O rosyjskich refl eksywnych konstrukcjach celownikowych”) 


Russian Academy of Sciences, Petersburg, Russia

Technical University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain

Published at: 15.10.2011

Article status: Open

Licence: None

Percentage share of authors:

Igor M. Boguslavsky (Author) - 100%

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