The Digital Silk Road in the Balkans – A Selection of Issues

Publication date: 21.11.2024

Central European and Balkan Studies, 2024, Volume XXXIII, pp. 389 - 405



Danuta Gibas-Krzak
Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa
, Poland
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The Digital Silk Road in the Balkans – A Selection of Issues


The main objective of the article is to show how China is putting into practice the idea of the development of the Digital Silk Road in the Balkans. The influence of China in terms of digitalization and new technologies is not the same in all the countries of the region. The authors emphasis is on the fact that Serbia is the most involved in cooperation with China. Huawei, which has its regional headquarters in Belgrade, is a long-standing partner of the state-owned telecommunications company Telecom Srbija. Working with Huawei, more than a dozen Serbian cities are being equipped to become Smart Cities. The Serbs are using the latest Chinese software to monitor and analyze urban behaviour. In 2017, Huawei installed cameras in the building of the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia. They tested them not only for facial recognition, but also for behaviour, collecting data that would allow them to assess whether a particular behaviour could lead to violence. The article also outlines the influence of China on the digitalization process in North Macedonia, Romania, and Bulgaria. Due to US policy and the implementation of the Clean Network principles, numerous Balkan countries have declined to engage in broader collaboration with Huawei, citing allegations of corruption and espionage practices. It is inaccurate to suggest that China has conquered the Balkans. In fact, the influence of EU countries in the region is much more significant and far-reaching than that of China. It is important to acknowledge that Beijing is adopting a highly proactive approach and is not deterred by isolated instances of failure. A significant number of industries in the Balkans are in a state of persistent financial need. Only the future will tell whether the Chinese will be able to dominate the Balkans economically, even if it does not seem possible now.


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Information: Central European and Balkan Studies, 2024, Volume XXXIII, pp. 389 - 405

Article type: Original article


Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa

Published at: 21.11.2024

Article status: Open

Licence: CC BY  licence icon

Percentage share of authors:

Danuta Gibas-Krzak (Author) - 100%

Information about author:

Danuta Gibas Krzak, Ph.D, Balkanist and political scientist. Member of the Balkan Studies Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Winner of grants from the Brzezie Lanckoroński Foundation for research in London. Author of 12 books. Work entitled Geopolitics of the Balkans (Warsaw 2021) received an award from the Minister of Science and Higher Education for the best academic book. In 2024 she published a book titled The game of great powers over the Balkans in the 21st century. A study of the influence of China, Russia and the USA (Opole 2024).

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