Sfera symboliczna w procesach transformacyjnych krajów byłej Jugosławii. Pomniki

Publication date: 09.07.2021

Central European and Balkan Studies, 2021, Tom XXX, pp. 159 - 173



Lilla Moroz-Grzelak
Instytut Slawistyki PAN
https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5176-2804 Orcid
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Sfera symboliczna w procesach transformacyjnych krajów byłej Jugosławii. Pomniki


The Symbolic Sphere in the Transformation Processes of the former Yugoslavia. Monuments

The article focuses on the ways of treating the monumental memory of the past in the states that were established after the disintegration of Yugoslavia. These examples, which are not exhaustive, show that the process of transformation in the symbolic sphere does not create a uniform image in all countries. It oscillates between the destruction of the monuments of the past period in Slovenia, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, but also the different intensity of the events of the tragic war of the last decade of the 20th century. Breaking such a description, Serbia protects the monuments of the Yugoslavian era, while at the same time recalling the memory of the Serbian liberation struggle in the anti-Turkish uprising of 1804. The protection of the monuments of the NOB (struggle for national liberation) period in Montenegro not only proves the connection with the federal Yugoslavia, but also reflects a kind of Yugonostalgia. In turn, the monuments of this period on Macedonian territory, preserved in various states, gave way to a “flood of monuments” referring to the ancient and medieval history of this land. The changes in the monumental sphere in all countries, however, prove the willingness to justify the ideological existence of independent state entities embedded in the native tradition confirming their sovereignty.


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Information: Central European and Balkan Studies, 2021, Tom XXX, pp. 159 - 173

Article type: Original article



Sfera symboliczna w procesach transformacyjnych krajów byłej Jugosławii. Pomniki


The Symbolic Sphere in the Transformation Processes of the former Yugoslavia. Monuments



Lilla Moroz-Grzelak
Instytut Slawistyki PAN
https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5176-2804 Orcid
All publications →

Instytut Slawistyki PAN

Published at: 09.07.2021

Article status: Open

Licence: CC BY-NC-ND  licence icon

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Lilla Moroz-Grzelak (Author) - 100%

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