Are dictation and the gap-filling listening test valid and reliable tests to assess oral comprehension?
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEIl dettato e il dictocloze sono prove valide e affidabili per valutare la comprensione orale?
Publication date: 16.06.2014
Romanica Cracoviensia, Volume 14 (2014), Volume 14, Issue 2, pp. 138 - 150
Il dettato e il dictocloze sono prove valide e affidabili per valutare la comprensione orale?
Are dictation and the gap-filling listening test valid and reliable tests to assess oral comprehension?
Dictation and the gap-filling listening test are tests used by one of the major certifications in Italian as a foreign language, CILS (Università per Stranieri, Siena). They are intended to assess listening ability at lower levels for a specific audience (cf. Appendix 1). We believe that the validity and reliability of both types of test are questionable: it is unclear precisely what they measure and it is by no means certain that different markers’ assessment of errors made by candidates will coincide.
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Information: Romanica Cracoviensia, Volume 14 (2014), Volume 14, Issue 2, pp. 138 - 150
Article type: Original article
Il dettato e il dictocloze sono prove valide e affidabili per valutare la comprensione orale?
Are dictation and the gap-filling listening test valid and reliable tests to assess oral comprehension?
ALMA edizioni Roma
Published at: 16.06.2014
Article status: Open
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