Content of the concepts of Joy and Fear in adulthood – Verbal fluency as a technique of analysis of emotional concepts
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RIS BIB ENDNOTETreść pojęć Radość i Strach w okresie dorosłości – fluencja werbalna jako narzędzie opisu pojęć emocjonalnych
Publication date: 23.07.2015
Developmental Psychology, 2015, Volume 20, Issue 2, pp. 57-72
Treść pojęć Radość i Strach w okresie dorosłości – fluencja werbalna jako narzędzie opisu pojęć emocjonalnych
Content of the concepts of Joy and Fear in adulthood – Verbal fluency as a technique of analysis of emotional concepts
The aim of this article is a description of content of emotional concepts. The main thesis was focused on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of affective concepts of Joy and Fear in 3 stages of adulthood (N = 302). The hypothesis was formulated about differences in numbers of generated words related to emotional concepts, and in structure of these concepts. Affective verbal fluency technique was used. Nouns were grouped in clusters for each concepts. Then, number of words in clusters and organization of clusters (cluster analysis) was compared between 3 stages of adulthood. There was shown some stable elements in each emotional concept, and some changeable aspects in concepts of Joy and Fear. Results are discussed in terms of development, and theories of emotional prototype or schemas.
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Treść pojęć Radość i Strach w okresie dorosłości – fluencja werbalna jako narzędzie…
Treść pojęć Radość i Strach w okresie dorosłości – fluencja werbalna jako narzędzie…
Information: Developmental Psychology, 2015, Volume 20, Issue 2, pp. 57-72
Article type: Original article
Treść pojęć Radość i Strach w okresie dorosłości – fluencja werbalna jako narzędzie opisu pojęć emocjonalnych
Content of the concepts of Joy and Fear in adulthood – Verbal fluency as a technique of analysis of emotional concepts
Institute of Psychology, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University (UMCS) in Lublin
Institute of Psychology, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University (UMCS) in Lublin
Published at: 23.07.2015
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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