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Satysfakcja z życia a poczucie skuteczności i styl wychowania w percepcji matek młodzieży z niepełnosprawnością

Publication date: 18.06.2015

Developmental Psychology, 2015, Volume 20, Issue 1, pp. 75-89



Katarzyna Walęcka-Matyja
Institute of Psychology at the University of Lodz
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Dominika Kurpiel
Institute of Pedagogics, Pomeranian University in Słupsk
, Poland
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Satysfakcja z życia a poczucie skuteczności i styl wychowania w percepcji matek młodzieży z niepełnosprawnością


The present-day situation of the woman as a mother confronts the researchers of the humanities and social sciences with questions concerning the nature of her development and functioning. The analysis of literature on the subject includes a great number of research reports on the quality of life of adolescents with disabilities. In the systemic approach, disability is understood as a phenomenon disadvantageous not only to the individual themselves but also to their family. A source of support as well as a point of reference in numerous spheres where a child with a disability functions in different periods of their life is usually the parent, and very often the mother. 
The purpose of the research was to present the psychological face of motherhood in the perspective of the process of raising a child with a disability. The analysis covered three areas of the psychological functioning of mothers: the quality of life level, the feeling of self-efficacy and the parenting style.


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Information: Developmental Psychology, 2015, Volume 20, Issue 1, pp. 75-89

Article type: Original article


Satysfakcja z życia a poczucie skuteczności i styl wychowania w percepcji matek młodzieży z niepełnosprawnością
Life satisfaction, self efficacy and upbringing style in the mothers’ of adolescents with disability perception


Institute of Psychology at the University of Lodz

Institute of Pedagogics, Pomeranian University in Słupsk

Published at: 18.06.2015

Article status: Open

Licence: None

Percentage share of authors:

Katarzyna Walęcka-Matyja (Author) - 50%
Dominika Kurpiel (Author) - 50%

Article corrections:


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