Twainowski bestseller literatury podróżniczej Innocents Abroad po polsku – analiza strategiczna
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RIS BIB ENDNOTETwainowski bestseller literatury podróżniczej Innocents Abroad po polsku – analiza strategiczna
Publication date: 10.12.2011
Przekładaniec, 2010, Issue 24 – Myśl feministyczna a przekład, pp. 327 - 344
Twainowski bestseller literatury podróżniczej Innocents Abroad po polsku – analiza strategiczna
Mark Twain’s Bestselling Travelogue Innocents Abroad in Polish Translation. A Strategic Analysis
Mark Twain’s travelogue Innocents Abroad (1869) was the author’s first sustained narrative form; it became a great literary and financial success during his lifetime. Considered a canonical text of travel writing in English, it was translated into Polish as late as 1992. The article discusses the Polish translation, focusing on the relevant features of the source text: the paratexts and the ‘translational dominant(s)’ that contribute to the original’s popularity. As Innocents Abroad belongs to popular literature, its humor is one of the essential dominants. The analysis demonstrates that the translator made a considerable effort to render the humor of the novel: the differences and compensation strategies result not so much from the differences between the languages and cultures but from the translator’s consistent decisions.
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Information: Przekładaniec, 2010, Issue 24 – Myśl feministyczna a przekład, pp. 327 - 344
Article type: Original article
Twainowski bestseller literatury podróżniczej Innocents Abroad po polsku – analiza strategiczna
Twainowski bestseller literatury podróżniczej Innocents Abroad po polsku – analiza strategiczna
University of the National Education Commission, Krakow
ul. Podchorążych 2, 30-084 Kraków, Poland
Published at: 10.12.2011
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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PolishView count: 2976
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