The initiative to start publishing “Przegląd Konstytucyjny” was developed by the group of persons who, until March 2016, were members of the Editorial Committee of “Przegląd Sejmowy”. With the Committee dissolved, we considered it fitting to continue an academic journal which should be an important centre of Polish constitutional thought. In terms of our programme, we refer to the assumptions which underlay the creation of “Przegląd Sejmowy” back in 1993 and for twenty-three years were followed by its Editorial Committee. The composition of our Programme Board also confirms we are guided by these assumptions. We invited outstanding Polish constitutionalists to sit on the Board.
We welcome authors who write about constitutional questions in the broad sense and human rights. Apart from the classical issues of constitutional law, we also intend to tackle topics of interest for individual branches of law, philosophy of law, and theory of state and law, if they are connected with constitutional law defined broadly. We want our journal to publish articles discussing all significant problems of contemporary constitutionalism. We count on authors who had earlier published their texts in “Przegląd Sejmowy”, but also on those who only recently started their academic careers.
“Przegląd Konstytucyjny” is a quarterly. We believe that the quarterly rhythm of publication of subsequent issues guarantees striking an adequate balance between responding to current constitutional problems and maintaining the necessary distance in their academic analyses. “Przegląd Konstytucyjny” will be published in print and on the website. Prior to publication of individual issues on the website, selected texts will be available as a taster for the upcoming issue. Access to the electronic version of our journal is open, we do not charge any fees.
The basic (reference) version of the journal is the electronic version. No. of copies: 100