The paper/article should be delivered in electronic format, as a Microsoft Office file (.doc, .docx), via the Editorial Panel.
Required structure of the manuscript:
title of the article in Polish and English,
abstracts in Polish and English, not exceeding 1,200 characters (with spaces),
keywords in Polish and English (maximum 6 keywords),
a note about the author (profession or academic title, afiliation of work)
All graphics, photos and diagrams should be attached in separate, original files. Their dimensions should not be smaller than those to be obtained after printing, and of the best possible quality (resolution 300 dpi on a scale of 1: 1). In the case of providing illustrations of poor quality, the publisher reserves the right not to include them.
II. Text normalization.
Margins: 2.5 cm on each side.
Main text font: Times New Roman 12 pt; line spacing 1.0.
The font of the footnotes: Times New Roman 10 pt; line spacing 1.0.
The size of the article submitted for publication (including bibliography, abstracts and key words) cannot exceed 15 pages of a computer printout in A4 format, reviews - 10 pages.
The text should be justified.
Title, subtitle and subtitles: Times New Roman, bold.
Figures and photos should be located in the main text using captions.
Sources of all illustrative materials (photos, drawings, charts, diagrams, tables, etc.) should be provided.
You should not use the so-called hard spaces and soft enters.