Translation in the Coherence Theories of Truth; a Bridge Spanning over Idealist Islands

Principia, 2021, Volume 68, pp. 5-26



Giulia Cirillo
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Translation in the Coherence Theories of Truth; a Bridge Spanning over Idealist Islands


It is easy to fall for a conceptual beauty and simplicity of the coherence theory of truth. But the texts in which its foundations were for the first time explicitly developed are rich in subtleties, defying a consistent interpretation and inviting various forms of criticism. That is why the following study will take one more look at the writings of Harold H. Joachim and Brand Blanshard, in order to prove that in the analyses which they proposed there is an additional, so far unrecognised element – namely the process of translation – which plays a crucial role in making their accounts valid and complete. Initially then, the article will specify how the notion of translation should be here understood. Next, key postulates of both theories will be recalled, with an indication of several potential inconsistencies which they might entail. Finally, the analysis exposes translative ground of each reconstructed model. 
What will be thereby underscored, is not only the interpretative depth of Joachim’s and Blanshard’s legacy, but also significance of translation for the philosophical enquiry into the nature of truth. 


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Information: Principia, 2021, Volume 68, pp. 5-26

Article type: Original article



Translation in the Coherence Theories of Truth; a Bridge Spanning over Idealist Islands


Translation in the Coherence Theories of Truth; a Bridge Spanning over Idealist Islands

Article status: Open

Licence: CC BY-NC-ND  licence icon

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Giulia Cirillo (Author) - 100%

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