Przepisy antyimigracyjne w USA z 1924 roku i ich znaczenie dla imigracji żydowskiej z Europy

Publication date: 2006

History Notebooks, 2006, Vol. 133, pp. 95-100


Rafał Wordliczek
Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Gołębia 24, 31-007 Kraków, Poland
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Przepisy antyimigracyjne w USA z 1924 roku i ich znaczenie dla imigracji żydowskiej z Europy


The author of the article presents the reasons which stood behind the introduction of the restrictive legislation directed against the immigrants who arrived in the United States in large numbers in the first two decades of the last century. He presents the views of the major American politicians with regard to the issue of immigration, the ways of solving the problem of the uncontrolled influx of the vast numbers of immigrants from Europe, among whom there was a considerable number of Jew from Eastern Europe. He compares the anti-immigration laws of 1921 with the Act of 1924 introduced by Albert Johnson. In connection with the fact that the quota laws of 1924 had radically stalled the process of Jewish immigration from Europe, the author presents the attitude of the American Jews towards the new legislation as well as attempts to exert an impact on the less severe form of the American immigration law. The author also draws attention to the importance of the radical limitation of the number of immigrants for the European Jewish community. The Act of 1924, authored by senator Johnson, not only limited, but in practical terms, stopped the flow of Jewish migrants from Europe which in the context of the growing wave of anti-Semitism on the old continent meant that the door to a better and more secure reality had been closed.


Information: History Notebooks, 2006, Vol. 133, pp. 95-100

Article type: Original article



Przepisy antyimigracyjne w USA z 1924 roku i ich znaczenie dla imigracji żydowskiej z Europy

English: The US Anti-Immigration Regulations of 1924 and Their Significance for the Jewish Immigration from Europe


Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Gołębia 24, 31-007 Kraków, Poland

Published at: 2006

Article status: Open

Licence: None

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Rafał Wordliczek (Author) - 100%

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