The Dutch cuisine at the end of 16th century in the work of maestro Antonius Magirus
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RIS BIB ENDNOTENiderlandzka kuchnia przełomu XVI i XVII stulecia według mistrza Antoniusa Magirusa
Publication date: 01.09.2016
History Notebooks, 2016, Issue 143 (3), pp. 407-428
Niderlandzka kuchnia przełomu XVI i XVII stulecia według mistrza Antoniusa Magirusa
The first cookbooks left the printing presses in the 15th century, and very soon they became popular amongst the readers of the Old Continent. They helped to spread the knowledge not only about products used in various parts of Europe but also about methods of preparing meals. Their authors gave advice on what kind of virtues a chef should have and with what utensils he should equip his kitchen. This paper considers the Koocboec oft familieren keukenboec in a wider European context. A Dutch cookbook, written under a pseudonym of Antonius Magirus, was published in 1612 in Leuven and until 1668 it was the only cookbook printed in the Low Countries at that time. Although it was published in the South Netherlands, it succeeded also in the North. It is easy to find similarities between the Koocboec and Opera dell’arte del cucinare, the major work of Bartolomeo Scappi, but Magirus adapted his recipes to the local skills and tastes.
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Information: History Notebooks, 2016, Issue 143 (3), pp. 407-428
Article type: Original article
Niderlandzka kuchnia przełomu XVI i XVII stulecia według mistrza Antoniusa Magirusa
The Dutch cuisine at the end of 16th century in the work of maestro Antonius Magirus
Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Gołębia 24, 31-007 Kraków, Poland
Published at: 01.09.2016
Article status: Open
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