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Regionalne zróżnicowanie poziomu starości i dynamiki procesu starzenia się ludności Kuby w kontekście przemian społeczno-gospodarczych

Publication date: 17.01.2017

Geographical Studies, 2016, Issue 147, pp. 169 - 196



Mirosław Wójtowicz
Institute of Geography, University of the National Education Commission, Krakow
, Poland
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Katarzyna Dembicz
Uniwersytet Warszawski, Centrum Studiów Latynoamerykańskich
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Regionalne zróżnicowanie poziomu starości i dynamiki procesu starzenia się ludności Kuby w kontekście przemian społeczno-gospodarczych


Regional differences in the level of ageing and the dynamics of the ageing process of the population of Cuba in the context of socio-economic changes


This article presents the origins and the impact of demographic and socio-economic factors on the process of demographic ageing of the population of Cuba. The main aim of the study was to show the dynamics and regional differences in population ageing based on the WSD dynamic ageing index, as well as the WSE economic ageing index.It was shown that the ageing process reveals moderate diversity of the investigated phenomenon both in the urban-rural dimension as well as at the regional level. The process of population ageing is progressing throughout the whole country and its fastest pace was recorded in the outermost provinces.However, spatial differences in the ageing process may change fundamentally in the years to come, which will result from internal regulations concerning the mobility of the population, and new business investments. As a result, spatial differences are likely to increase and the spatial image of the ageing processwill probably change.


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Information: Geographical Studies, 2016, Issue 147, pp. 169 - 196

Article type: Original article



Regionalne zróżnicowanie poziomu starości i dynamiki procesu starzenia się ludności Kuby w kontekście przemian społeczno-gospodarczych


Regional differences in the level of ageing and the dynamics of the ageing process of the population of Cuba in the context of socio-economic changes


Institute of Geography, University of the National Education Commission, Krakow

Uniwersytet Warszawski, Centrum Studiów Latynoamerykańskich

Published at: 17.01.2017

Article status: Open

Licence: None

Percentage share of authors:

Mirosław Wójtowicz (Author) - 50%
Katarzyna Dembicz (Author) - 50%

Article corrections:


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