The Eleatic Elements in the Metaphysical Reflection and in the Physical Mentions of the Parmenides
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ORGANON, 2024, Volume 56, pp. 35-52
The Eleatic Elements in the Metaphysical Reflection and in the Physical Mentions of the Parmenides
In the Parmenides, it is possible to identify affirmations that are clearly of Eleatic origin and which are re-elaborated by Plato who includes them ad hoc when developing his arguments. The dialectical contribution on the question of the multiplicity of entities given to the Parmenidean philosophy by Zeno is discussed not only in the first part of the dialogue (see 127d–128d) but also in the second. In the latter, Parmenides adopts an ontological-metaphysical setting through which Plato gives an example of the various uses of Zenonian dialectic. Here all the hypotheses concerning the One are analysed (see 136a–c).
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Information: ORGANON, 2024, Volume 56, pp. 35-52
Article type: Original article
University of Macerata
Published at: 30.09.2024
Article status: Open
Licence: CC BY-NC-ND
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