The Different Aspects of the Relationship between Plato’s Philosophy and the Eleatic School
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ORGANON, 2024, Volume 56, pp. 17 - 33
The Different Aspects of the Relationship between Plato’s Philosophy and the Eleatic School
This text exposes and analyses the references to the Eleatics starting from the hints to Gorgias and Zeno in the Phaedrus 261c–d and from the eristic arguments of Euthydemus which are evidently influenced by the way of arguing of the Eleatics. Naturally, the greatest attention is reserved for the dialectical dialogues: with a real coup de théâtre, the Eleatics pass from being (almost) unknown figures to becoming masters. First Parmenides and then the Stranger of Elea give Socrates important suggestions about method and content. This sequence is even more exceptional because it is the only case in which we find some internal references in Plato’s corpus, where the author usually never mentions his own writings. These analysis highlights, among other issues, the importance of dialectics, the treatment of not being as different, the denial of the so-called parricide by the Stranger of Elea.
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Information: ORGANON, 2024, Volume 56, pp. 17 - 33
Article type: Original article
Published at: 30.09.2024
Article status: Open
Licence: CC BY-NC-ND
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Information about author:
Maurizio Migliori was Full Professor of History in Ancient Philosophy at the Department of Humanistic Studies of the Stata University of Macerata from 2000 to 2015.
He contributed to the establishment of the Chair of Political Philosophy/History of Political Doctrines at his university and covered a module of this teaching from 1994 to 2002.
He founded a prominent School of Ancient Philosophy, the School of Macerata, which also brought innovative elements to enliven the dialogue within the School of Tübingen-Milan of which he considered himself an exponent.
Among Maurizio Migliori’s many works that have left their imprint on Platonic hermeneutics are L’uomo fra piacere, intelligenza e Bene. Commentario storico-filosofico al “Filebo” di Platone (Milano 1993, 19982), Arte politica e metretica assiologica. Commentario storico-filosofico al “Politico” di Platone (Milano 1996), Plato’s Sophist, Value and Limitation on Ontology (Sankt Augustin 2007), Lifelong Studies in Love With Plato (Baden-Baden 2020), Dialettica e verità. Commentario filosofico al “Parmenide” di Platone (Milano 1990, 20002), and the critical edition of the Parmenides (Milano 1994, 20002).
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