L’image de la Grèce dans l’Allemagne romantique et des Lumières  (Schiller, Hegel et Hölderlin)

Publication date: 12.2019

ORGANON, 2019, Volume 51, pp. 23 - 43



Françoise Dastur
Université de Nice – Sophia Antipolis, CTEL;28 Avenue Valrose, 06103 Nice, France
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L’image de la Grèce dans l’Allemagne romantique et des Lumières  (Schiller, Hegel et Hölderlin)


A real fascination with Greece arose in Germany at the end of the 18th century with the works of Winckelmann, the founder of scientific archeology. The subject of this text is the German nostalgia for Greece which developed at that time in the circle of the first romanticists and among the thinkers of German  idealism. The emphasis will be put on three of the most important figures of German poetry and philosophy of this period: Schiller, Hegel and Hölderlin. But it will be shown that it is only with Hölderlin that for this idealized image of Greece a new image of Greece as profoundly divided between Occident and Orient was substituted.


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Information: ORGANON, 2019, Volume 51, pp. 23 - 43

Article type: Original article


French: L’image de la Grèce dans l’Allemagne romantique et des Lumières  (Schiller, Hegel et Hölderlin)

The Image of Greece in Germany during Romanticism and Enlightenment (Schiller, Hegel and Hölderlin)


Université de Nice – Sophia Antipolis, CTEL;28 Avenue Valrose, 06103 Nice, France

Published at: 12.2019

Article status: Open

Licence: CC BY-NC-ND  licence icon

Percentage share of authors:

Françoise Dastur (Author) - 100%

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