In memory of Maurizio Migliori (5 October 1943, Cantù–10 November 2023, Cantù)

Publication date: 08.10.2024

ORGANON, 2024, Volume 56, pp. 11 - 16



Claudia Luchetti
University of Tübingen
, Germany
All publications →


In memory of Maurizio Migliori (5 October 1943, Cantù–10 November 2023, Cantù)


Information: ORGANON, 2024, Volume 56, pp. 11 - 16

Article type: Others noncitable


University of Tübingen

Published at: 08.10.2024

Article status: Open

Licence: CC BY-NC-ND  licence icon

Percentage share of authors:

Claudia Luchetti (Author) - 100%

Information about author:

Claudia Luchetti studied Philosophy and Classics at the University La Sapienza in Rome and achieved her Doctoral Degree in Ancient Philosophy with honours at the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa.

Lecturer in Greek, religious studies, and philosophy at the universities of Tübingen, Stuttgart and Basel from 2009 to 2024, she held several posts at the rank of Assistant Professor both at the Institute of Philosophy and at the Institute of Ancient Studies of the University of Graz within 2017 and 2022, where she was also Research Fellow of the Cluster of Excellence Dimensions of Europeanisation in 2022. She is currently Visiting Researcher at the Philosophy Department of the University of Tübingen.

Among her further academic commitments are the membership and research collaboration with the Forum Demokratie and with the focal area Perception: Science, Aesthetics, Politics of the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Graz.

Her fields of research are Plato, the Platonic tradition, and its historical influence in Ancient—particularly in Aristotle and Plotinus—and Modern thought—particularly Kant and German Idealism including Hölderlin and the post-Kantian Philosophy. Furtherly, Theories of Democracy, Utopia and their link to Conceptions of Identity and Self, Philosophy of Mind (Subjectivity, Self-Consciousness, and Self-Knowledge), and Philosophy of Time.

Her publications on Plato specifically include, among others, the monograph Tempo ed Eternità in Platone. Il primo passo verso il Timeo: Analisi dei nessi Essere-Eterno, Diveniente–Tempo nel Fedone ed esposizione della loro origine Dialettica (Milano & Udine 2014), and essays as To Triton. Uno sguardo d’insieme alla teoria platonica dell’Istante a partire da Parmenide 155e4-157b5 in: Istante. L’esperienza dell’Illocalizzabile nella filosofia di Platone (Milano & Udine 2012), Parlare bene fa bene allʼAnima. Il Logos di Socrate come icona del Bene e della conoscenza di sé nel Fedone (Roma 2020), La noesi nascosta. Sulla presenza della teoria platonica dellʼanima nella γυμνασία del Parmenide (142a–144e, 155e–157b, 157b–159b) in: Platoʼs Parmenides. Selected Papers of the Twelfth Symposium Platonicum (Baden-Baden 2022), Das Wesen der Seele zwischen Logos und Mythos: Unsterblichkeit, Ideentheorie und Selbsterkenntnis im Licht des Schönen-Guten in Platons Phaidros 245b1–251b7 in: Perspektiven der Philosophie 49, 2023.

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