Taxation of the Prospecting, Exploration and Extraction of Shale Gas on Polish Territory

Publication date: 08.2016

Financial Law Review, 2016, Issue 3 (3)/2016, pp. 13 - 24


Przemysław Pest
Faculty of Law, Administration and Economics of Wrocław University, Poland
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Taxation of the Prospecting, Exploration and Extraction of Shale Gas on Polish Territory


The article presents the most important legal regulations addressing taxation of the prospecting, exploration and extraction of shale gas on polish territory, discussing the types of taxes applicable to enterprises engaged in this type of activity: the hydrocarbon tax, the tax on the extraction of some minerals, income tax, environmental usage fee, and property tax. The research issue is an important one when considering how the taxes assessed on entities conducting activity that consists in the prospecting, exploration and extraction of shale gas is one of the factors determining the profitability of such activity in Poland.


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Information: Financial Law Review, 2016, Issue 3 (3)/2016, pp. 13 - 24

Article type: Original article


Faculty of Law, Administration and Economics of Wrocław University, Poland

Published at: 08.2016

Article status: Open

Licence: CC BY-NC-ND  licence icon

Percentage share of authors:

Przemysław Pest (Author) - 100%

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