Securing Order
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Publication date: 30.09.2019
Financial Law Review, 2019, Issue 15 (3)/ 2019, pp. 20-37
Securing Order
A securing order is a very effective tool to fight tax frauds in the Czech Republic but it is also considered to be a rather drastic restrictive measure which may have a significant impact on tax subjects’ property and - in some cases - their very existence. This article explores the mechanism of application of a securing order with the aim of informing readers of its advantages and disadvantages. It also focuses on importance of an independent judicial review of decisions made by administrative authorities. At the end of the article the author draws some conclusions and he tries to generalize them to be applicable to other instruments of the tax law as well - including foreign ones.
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Act no. 150/2002 Coll., The Code of Administrative Justice, as amended.
Act no. 235/2004 Coll., The VAT Act, as amended.
Act no. 280/2009 Coll., The Code of Tax Procedure, as amended.
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Decision of the Supreme Administrative Court dated 28. 11. 2013, No. 7 Afs 101/2013-26.
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Decision of the Supreme Administrative Court dated 7. 1. 2016, No. 4 Afs 22/2015-104 (3368/2016 Coll. SAC).
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Decision of the Supreme Administrative Court dated 4. 5. 2017, No. 1 Afs 88/2017-39.
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Study and Reports on the VAT Gap in the EU-28 Member States: 2017 Final Report, TAXUD/2015/CC/131, European Commission, Warsaw, published 18. 9. 2017. Available at:
Methodical manual of the General Financial Directorate dated 16. 11. 2011, 7342/11-2310. Available at:
Methodical manual of the General Financial Directorate dated 31. 10. 2017, 87133/17/7700-30133-711377. Available at:
The Analysis of the General Financial Directorate dated 31. 8. 2017. Available at:
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Information: Financial Law Review, 2019, Issue 15 (3)/ 2019, pp. 20-37
Article type: Original article
Faculty of Law,
Masaryk University, Brno
Czech Republic
Published at: 30.09.2019
Article status: Open
Licence: CC BY-NC-ND
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