The development of autonomous EFL students – the necessity and requirement of present times and the duty of the modern language teacher – on the example of peer feedback
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEThe development of autonomous EFL students – the necessity and requirement of present times and the duty of the modern language teacher – on the example of peer feedback
Data publikacji: 19.12.2016
Zeszyty Glottodydaktyczne, 2016, Zeszyt 6 (2016) , s. 17 - 28
The development of autonomous EFL students – the necessity and requirement of present times and the duty of the modern language teacher – on the example of peer feedback
Autonomy and independence were the key values in Western European philosophy, psychology, politics and pedagogy in the 20th century. They are essential in the development of a democratic society (Benson and Voller, 1997). Autonomy in foreign language learning appeared in the 1960s and 1970s while in 1971 the Council of Europe established the Modern Languages Project and founded the Foreign Languages Didactic Centre (CRAPEL) at the University of Nancy, France specializing in systems of learning in autonomy. The theories linking autonomy with peer feedback are those of Bound (1988) who defines the features and behaviour characteristics of an autonomous student. Bound (1988) suggests that an autonomous student undertakes initiative in the areas which require cooperation with other group members and being responsible for their development as well as considering a teacher to be an advisor is what brings autonomy close to peer feedback.
Peer feedback is one of the methods in teaching foreign languages where feedback to a student is given by another student, not a teacher. This allows for more opportunities for the student to learn from each other. Peer feedback in foreign language learning provides variety in teaching as well as develops students’ autonomy in the learning process Dam (1995) and Pawlak (2006) suggest that learner autonomy makes use of peer assessment in the form of peer support and cooperation, whereas the role of the teacher is that of a supporting scaffolding and creating room for the development of autonomy.
The aim of this article is to answer the question as to whether it is possible to achieve student autonomy in English by giving oral presentations and by being assessed by one’s peers where the teacher’s role is that of a supervisor, advisor and guide. In this approach the teacher is not the only person providing feedback.
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Informacje: Zeszyty Glottodydaktyczne, 2016, Zeszyt 6 (2016) , s. 17 - 28
Typ artykułu: Oryginalny artykuł naukowy
The development of autonomous EFL students – the necessity and requirement of present times and the duty of the modern language teacher – on the example of peer feedback
The development of autonomous EFL students – the necessity and requirement of present times and the duty of the modern language teacher – on the example of peer feedback
Jagiellońskie Centrum Językowe Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, ul. Krupnicza 2, Kraków
Publikacja: 19.12.2016
Status artykułu: Otwarte
Licencja: Żadna
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AngielskiLiczba wyświetleń: 1723
Liczba pobrań: 1215