logotypu Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego

Samodzielność jednostek pomocniczych samorządu terytorialnego

Data publikacji: 2010

Zarządzanie Publiczne, 2010, Numer 4 (12), s. 157-171


Adam Strzelecki
Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego, Jana Karola Chodkiewicza 30, Bydgoszcz, Poland
Wszystkie publikacje autora →


Samodzielność jednostek pomocniczych samorządu terytorialnego


Issues of autonomy in local government is considered primarily in relation to the basic units of this form of governance, it is in relation to the commune and district. Independence is conditional on having a certain financial autonomy or a substantial dose of financial decentralization. The situation is different as far as financial independence or its lack in auxiliary units (settlements and districts in medium and large cities) is concerned. The basic plan is the public budget which occurs only in the commune, district and province. In the case of districts and neighborhoods is the constituting authority to decide whether it will take the initiative of establishment of district councils, housing councils and equip those in the power and fi nancial resources to carry out their tasks. For the purposes of the characteristics of auxiliary units were selected: the 6 provincial cities, where effectiveness of the district councils, housing councils is noticeable, 6 cities, which have lost their status of the provincial capital, and 6 district towns of medium size. As a result of this study examples of large provincial cities has been the development of the district local government, housing estate. However, not all former provincial city and county have been set up auxiliary units, although there are housings in the tradition of the inhabitants, the nomenclature and housing cooperatives. As stated, most relied on ancillary units in the form of district councils, councils of settlements, districts, councils included actively in the management and operation issues of settlements, increasing the quality of life of their inhabitants.


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Informacje: Zarządzanie Publiczne, 2010, Numer 4 (12), s. 157-171

Typ artykułu: Oryginalny artykuł naukowy



Samodzielność jednostek pomocniczych samorządu terytorialnego


Samodzielność jednostek pomocniczych samorządu terytorialnego


Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego, Jana Karola Chodkiewicza 30, Bydgoszcz, Poland

Publikacja: 2010

Status artykułu: Otwarte __T_UNLOCK

Licencja: Żadna

Udział procentowy autorów:

Adam Strzelecki (Autor) - 100%

Korekty artykułu:


Języki publikacji:


Liczba wyświetleń: 2188

Liczba pobrań: 9187